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How to stop scrubbing? ?

Ronak Dervaliya

Hi friends my all affiliate networks full scrubbing my conversations. 2 or 3 days i get EPC of 0.30 to 0.40.And later my epc down to 0.04. SAME TRAFFIC SAME BANNER SAME TARGETING. How to stop it.Any one please help me
From a technical perspective, it's not possible for you to stop a network from scrubbing your sales. If they have access to the offer pages, they control when their/your pixel fires. Or if they don't have access, their tracking platform may simply support "scrubbing/insurance".

Perhaps try talking to your affiliate manager or network rep. If you "came out of the gates swinging" with a really high conversion rate, some networks assume you're running a campaign that is too aggressive and don't want to put the offer owner at risk. Hence they scrub the sales to keep an "insurance policy" on you. If you reach out to them, assure them that you're abiding by their advertising rules and not introducing risk or low quality conversions to the offer. If you're confident in your traffic/conversion quality, you might even go as far to say you'll agree to clawbacks if the scrubbing/insurance is removed.

Or it might not have anything to do with scrubbing at all! It could be a slew of things:
- A significant update was made to the offer page and it doesn't convert as well (ask if you can run to an older version, if they still have it up)
- An update was made to their tracking code and it's now broken or firing inconsistently
- If it's a CPA offer for product sales, (given it's the end of the month) they may have filled up their credit card processor so your customers attempting to purchase are getting declined
- They may have experienced technical difficulties or down time with their page and not notified you of such

There really are a whole lot of reasons that could cause your conversion rates to tank that don't involve scrubbing, in which case I would recommend you reach out to them all the same. Not all networks will know what conversion rate is good or bad for YOUR traffic. ON their end, they might think you switched up a banner or traffic source. They likely won't know there's an issue until you bring it to their attention - so definitely reach out with the most non-accusing tone you can muster!

Best of luck!
HA! ok admittedly that is a pretty poor response from your affiliate manager. I wish I had a "next step" for you to take with them, but communication is key and if that's not high on their priority list then they will probably lose your business/traffic :/

Perhaps gently mention that if they're unable to resolve the 90% conversion dip (or at least TRY to help to improve it) then you'll have to take your traffic somewhere else.
I can name quite a few I've worked with. What type of offer are you running to? I'll let you know if I know a Network with a similar offer

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