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How to use ChatGPT to make texts more human-like?

Nikos Christou

New Member
Hello! I faced a problem with ChatGPT texts. All that I generate seems so artificial. How do you make prompts to make the texts sound more live? And if you generate in another language (not ENG) it is even worse... Maybe you can recommend another AI for that? I also used Bing - same story. I really need help here....
Hi, of course, try using PROMTS, and also install the extension for Google Chrome -> AIPRM for ChatGPT.
I also recommend pre-training the AI, that is, tell it about the content you want to receive.
- what is the topic;
- who is the target audience;
- give some facts;
- ask the AI to structure the information, for example, use <ol> tags <ul> H1-H4
Hi, of course, try using PROMTS, and also install the extension for Google Chrome -> AIPRM for ChatGPT.
I also recommend pre-training the AI, that is, tell it about the content you want to receive.
- what is the topic;
- who is the target audience;
- give some facts;
- ask the AI to structure the information, for example, use <ol> tags <ul> H1-H4
Thank you so much!
So many of you discuss at length how to make AI produce something of quality. First of all, understand that there is no AI at the moment that can truly write as well as a human can for targeted traffic. None of you typically discuss how to use AI to write the same content, not only in different languages, but also for the targeted demographics. Without writing specifically for easy translation (by human translators) and without writing for a designated demographics, all you get is generic compilations that don't deliver.

I have been looking at this for the past couple of years, and I keep coming back to the fact I can research my own content, write my own content for my content sites, have my Upwork editor edit, have my native language translators from Upwork and Freelancer provide local language translations, and do this for both my content sites content and my landing pages in less time and cheap compared to all the hoops and loss of time from trying to integrate AI as a writer for the information I must deliver on my sites and pages.

We all need to learn to use AI, absolutely! However, AI is still in its infancy, truly still sucking on the tit. It has some years ahead for it before we can take an AI addon, plug it into our businesses, and feel comfortable knowing we can rely on it to get the job done without worry and constant marketing.

CPA Example:
Last Saturday I found a new lander that was killing it with an offer I had promoted a few months ago, which pretty much fizzled out after about 10 weeks. I found the new lander on AdPlexity. I went to the affiliate network and looked at the offer again and they had improved the payout and lifted some restrictions. I downloaded the lander sent it to my landing page guy from Freelancer, who then sent it back cleaned in two hours ($25US). I then sent it to my German and my French native language translators and got them both back Sunday afternoon ($20US & $25US). Tuesday I ran the offer in English, French, and German for 48 hours, dayparting, and trimming the fat (bots, etc.) in the first 12 hours. I ended the campaigns last night with positive ROI on all three and getting ready to scale and launch tonight. I don't see a path for AI in any of that at the moment.

Now, I won't bother with the examples for content sites. My niches are primarily luxury jet charters, luxury private destinations, a few luxury watch brands, and most recently I've been trying to become established in luxury yacht charters. I had looked at how to implement AI as a content provider for all of these niches and AI just cannot provide properly researched and written content for any of my content sites. It just doesn't understand how to write as a human. It cannot express itself as a human, maybe because it has no "self".

Additionally, AI has absolutely no skills at working with and properly assembling angles, hooks, and triggers. AI does not have the skill to properly and skillfully layout the architecture of flow for the copy that moves through the funnel starting with the ad copy then moving to the pre-lander, lander, conversion page or content site.

Especially for a newbie, AI will not provide what you require because you have not yet learned what you require or how to produce what you require.
  1. AI writes copy better than most humans can
  2. AI lacks a real human personality


You must be able to weigh and balance these attributes, (or values), to use AI for copy. There is no 'auto-pilot'
The human author, even when using AI, should be the real pilot.
AI writes copy better than most humans can

No way, no way at all. Experienced writers and researchers can bury AI in writing contests every minute of every day at the present time. Additionally, our copy has to flow from ad copy to landing copy to conversion copy at minimum and AI cannot on its best day come close to being able to understand, execute and edit copy performance like humans do. Not yet, maybe in a few years. The copy for my most recent landers is a bit different between the English, German, and French versions to match local/geo presentations and to match the colloquial needs. I've tried dozens of times, over and over, it fails at that task, and BIG.

Some places in the world you say "solute", others you may say "cin-cin" (chin-chin), and cheers. Much of the decision is also to select one over another in the same country as necessary.

No Graybeard, if you are telling me AI can out research and write me, YOU ARE WRONG! VERY VERY WRONG. That is not a word anyone usually hears from me. I really don't like that word, but in this case, YOU ARE "WRONG". Of course, that is my humble opinion...;)
No way, no way at all. Experienced writers and researchers can bury AI in writing contests every minute of every day at the present time. Additionally, our copy has to flow from ad copy to landing copy to conversion copy at minimum and AI cannot on its best day come close to being able to understand, execute and edit copy performance like humans do. Not yet, maybe in a few years. The copy for my most recent landers is a bit different between the English, German, and French versions to match local/geo presentations and to match the colloquial needs. I've tried dozens of times, over and over, it fails at that task, and BIG.

Some places in the world you say "solute", others you may say "cin-cin" (chin-chin), and cheers. Much of the decision is also to select one over another in the same country as necessary.

No Graybeard, if you are telling me AI can out research and write me, YOU ARE WRONG! VERY VERY WRONG. That is not a word anyone usually hears from me. I really don't like that word, but in this case, YOU ARE "WRONG". Of course, that is my humble opinion...;)
Totally agree with your point. We use it at work from time to time, but we have a professional copywriter, and no AI can write texts like she does.
no AI can write texts like she does.


many of us here keep trying, but in the end, and especially for content sites, AI just doesn't measure up at the moment. It may change when AI finishes mapping the human neural network, but that will take some time yet. meanwhile, a great copy writer for our needs is a highly valuable asset!
This ----------------------------------------- now just edit a bit

with 10 minutes of modification:
AI was no longer sure :D Google is seriously lagging

For ad referral funnel pages, edited AI may work fine. Test it and post the results.
For SEO everything becomes a joke next week --that is the nature of the game.

The attachment was edited by another AI LMAO and the 3rd AI just was not so sure.


  • pomegrante-juice2.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 13
Well, you and that first one seem to be getting very close. Terms of endearment! It's nice she's looking out for you. :rofl
Wow, I had no idea there were so many for specific purposes like that.

I wonder if the evil ones actually are evil, as it says they are.