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How WOW Trk for beginner?

Muhamad Fauzi Ramadhan

New Member
I am confused to begin with, every time I tried deals there is always a message "This offer is restricted to approved affiliates only. Your application is pending for this offer." please help for this problem

I am confused to begin with, every time I tried deals there is always a message "This offer is restricted to approved affiliates only. Your application is pending for this offer." please help for this problem


Wowtrk is a good network, i started with wowtrk and had a decent number of conversions in the first month itself. Get in touch with your affiliate manager via skype and tell him which offers you are interested in promoting and what will be your method of promotion and the manager would quickly approve you for a few offers to get you started with !

Also : Not very newbie friendly as the affliate managers usually stick to the point instead of going in details and helping you out (At least my affiliate manager at wowtrk)
this is normal .
new affiliates or affiliates that didn't generated any earning can't promote all offers.
also make sure you get in touch with affiliate manager
Offers are either Public or have to be applied for. You must be trying for the ones that need applying for to run.
Wowtrk is a good network, i started with wowtrk and had a decent number of conversions in the first month itself. Get in touch with your affiliate manager via skype and tell him which offers you are interested in promoting and what will be your method of promotion and the manager would quickly approve you for a few offers to get you started with !

Also : Not very newbie friendly as the affliate managers usually stick to the point instead of going in details and helping you out (At least my affiliate manager at wowtrk)
whether WOWTrk requires that we have a website?
I am confused to begin with, every time I tried deals there is always a message "This offer is restricted to approved affiliates only. Your application is pending for this offer." please help for this problem


Hi Muhamad,

As a couple of members have mentioned, not all of our offers are public, some have to be applied for.

If you could please get in touch with your AM, they will be able to assist in getting you approved on some campaigns :)

To answer your other question, we don't require you have a website, but you will need a source of traffic to be able to promote our offers. We accept all types of traffic, it's just dependent on every individual offer which sources they accept.
