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Seeking Help I am looking for a partner or mentor


New Member
Good morning.

I am a new user and I would like to establish cooperation with a person who will be my mentor and help me in affiliate activities or a person who is looking for a partner to earn money.

So far I have earned mainly in dating applications, erotica, etc. I am willing to change the field of work as well as any other opportunities. I have basic knowledge and my biggest problem is getting traffic. If anyone would like to help me, thank you in advance.

Why can't you just buy the traffic that you need?
I didn't earn much. I never bought traffic, I focused on promoting erotic sites on social media. Currently buy for $100, but is afraid that the traffic is going to lose quickly. That's why I'm looking for someone who really starts from scratch.

I've never created motion paths.

I don't know what and how. I made money in the CPA network, which is also advertised here as MyLead, but because it is in my language.

Thank you very much for the topics on the forum. Try to read the whole thing, but I don't know if I can do it. Maybe it's very bad of me, but I prefer other things from many and step by step.

So if there is someone who can mentor me and tell me what and how to do, thank you very much.
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I really want to buy, but I don't know if I can manage the configuration of the campaign so as not to lose money.Currently, I have created an account on Clickadu and maybe I will buy there.However, I am looking for someone who has already dealt with this and can help me with it.
So far I have earned mainly in dating applications, erotica,
Can you prove you have NETTED (revenue-less expenses) $1,000.00 this year (or more) doing this, with these offers and document it?

That not being the case:

Links to sub-forums that can guide you:

If you make an effort the community here may help.

You need to create a traffic funnel and learn to track it to be able to segment traffic sources and optimize them properly to scale and make any real money.What I mean by real money is seeing a real return over ad costs, time, servers used --A NET return not a simple ROI.
someone who can mentor me

You do not want a mentor and you cannot get a mentor. mentors are highly knowledgeable and highly experienced. They choose "protégés" to work with. A protégé is an individual that is educated and experienced in the specific field of study or work. They do not select inexperienced and uneducated individuals to work with, never!

What you require is the education and the experience. You can get both of those here on AffiliateFix! You are a student and a novice (a step above a newbie). You need to study all of the facets of this business, learn to use the tools of this business, and learn the methods, means, strategies, and tactics of this business. Oh, and constantly remind yourself, THIS IS A BUSINESS!

You can do this, anyone can, but you need to quit all of the self doubt and fear of failure or you will never make it.

To say you have trouble because of language barriers, that is an excuse. There is OpenAI which can handle translations. Google translate can do translations, etc., etc. I speak only English. however, I advertise and get conversions in more than a dozen non-English speaking countries. For my marketing funnels in non-English speaking countries, I use sub-contractors from Freelancer and Fiverr to build my ads and landing pages in the language of the country I have advertisements. i use native speakers from those countries. They are cheap, and they know how to make the language in the ads seem local. So, claiming you have a language barrier is just another excuse.

Quit being self defeating, don't blame your deficiencies, because this is 2023 and you can get other people to easily do what you cannot. The exception is, you cannot have other people build your education or your experience. YOU HAVE TO DO THAT YOURSELF!

my biggest problem is getting traffic

There is plenty of traffic tom buy out there. You must use paid traffic or you will not succeed! All other forms of traffic are not for steady earning, they are for support. Neil Patel is one of the smartest SEO people in our industry and he tells everyone, everyday, you cannot succeed in this industry without paid traffic.

If anyone would like to help me, thank you in advance.

Take a look at what is happening here. you are already getting help from two of us. When the community sees youa re making an effort, and doing the work, they will join us in helping you.
Bardzo dziękuję za tematy na forum. Spróbuj przeczytać całość, ale nie wiem, czy dam radę. Może to bardzo źle z mojej strony, ale wolę inne rzeczy z wielu i krok po kroku.
They say a wise man learns from the failures and the successes of others. At least try to understand the work that is involved ...
Nie chcesz mentora i nie możesz go zdobyć. mentorzy mają dużą wiedzę i duże doświadczenie. Wybierają „protegowanych” do pracy. Protegowany to osoba wykształcona i doświadczona w określonym kierunku studiów lub pracy. Nie wybierają do pracy niedoświadczonych i niewykształconych osób, nigdy!

Wymagane jest wykształcenie i doświadczenie. Możesz uzyskać jedno i drugie tutaj, w AffiliateFix! Jesteś studentem i nowicjuszem (krok powyżej nowicjusza). Musisz przestudiować wszystkie aspekty tego biznesu, nauczyć się korzystać z narzędzi tego biznesu i poznać metody, środki, strategie i taktyki tego biznesu. Och, i stale przypominaj sobie, TO JEST BIZNES !

Możesz to zrobić, każdy może, ale musisz porzucić wszelkie wątpliwości i strach przed porażką, bo inaczej nigdy tego nie zrobisz.

Powiedzieć, że masz kłopoty z powodu bariery językowej, to wymówka. Istnieje OpenAI, które może obsługiwać tłumaczenia. Tłumacz Google może wykonywać tłumaczenia itp., itd. Mówię tylko po angielsku. jednak reklamuję się i uzyskuję konwersje w kilkunastu krajach nieanglojęzycznych. W przypadku moich lejków marketingowych w krajach nieanglojęzycznych korzystam z podwykonawców z Freelancer i Fiverr, którzy budują moje reklamy i strony docelowe w języku kraju, w którym mam reklamy. Używam native speakerów z tych krajów. Są tanie i wiedzą, jak sprawić, by język reklam wydawał się lokalny. Tak więc twierdzenie, że masz barierę językową, to tylko kolejna wymówka.

Przestań się pokonywać, nie obwiniaj swoich braków, bo jest rok 2023 i możesz z łatwością skłonić innych do robienia tego, czego ty nie możesz. Wyjątkiem jest to, że nie możesz pozwolić, aby inni ludzie budowali Twoje wykształcenie lub doświadczenie. MUSISZ TO ZROBIĆ SAM!

Tam jest dużo ruchu. Musisz korzystać z płatnego ruchu lub nie odniesiesz sukcesu! Wszystkie inne formy ruchu nie służą stałemu zarobkowi, służą do utrzymania. Neil Patel jest jednym z najmądrzejszych ludzi SEO w naszej branży i codziennie powtarza wszystkim, że nie można odnieść sukcesu w tej branży bez płatnego ruchu.

Spójrz na to, co się tutaj dzieje. już otrzymujesz pomoc od nas dwóch. Gdy społeczność zobaczy, że się starasz i wykonujesz pracę, przyłączy się do nas, aby ci pomóc.
Thank you very much for your messages. I am grateful.

I don't have a language barrier, plain google translate, but here I understood well before :)

You pay attention to paid traffic.
Can you recommend a site where this traffic is good, there are no bots, but there is a chance to invest well?
Currently, I have an account on Clickadu, I like that I am in constant contact with a person who offers help in preparing the campaign. However, if you think there is a better paid traffic site worth using, please write.

I am determined to act, but I am terrified of the enormity of knowledge and the fact that I do not know where to start.
Cały ruch RTB/DSP (sieci reklamowej), z którego korzystałem w przeszłości, miał od 10% do 40% problemów z „botami” lub niską jakością. Będzie się różnić w „silosie” tej sieci, również w zależności od segmentacji i optymalizacji.

Będzie to również zależeć od tego, co reklamujesz jako ofertę i GEO (kraje), które uwzględniasz w kampanii lub segmencie.

Na przykład: myślę, że ruch w Androidzie 9 jest marginalny w GEO 1 poziomu - gdzie ten ruch może być akceptowalny w GEO poziomu 2 i 3

Ruch nie jest taki sam — wartość uniwersalna. Wyjątkiem jest oszustwo (co oznacza w tym kontekście nieludzkie).
I think I'd focus on erotica for now.

So I will try to create campaigns and see what the effect will be.

So I'm going to read the forum posts and maybe I'll learn more ;)
Can you recommend a site where this traffic is good, there are no bots, but there is a chance to invest well?
All of the RTB/DSP (ad network) traffic I have used in the past has had 10% to 40% 'bot' or low quality issues. It will vary within that network's 'silo' also depending on the ways you segment and optimize it also.

Also, it will depend on what you are marketing as an offer and the GEOs (countries) you are including in a campaign or segment.

For example: I think Android 9 traffic is marginal in a 1st tier GEO --where that traffic may be acceptable in a tier 2 and tier 3 GEOs

Traffic is not all the same --A universal value. The exception is fraudulent (meaning non-human in this context).
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Take a look at what is happening here. you are already getting help from two of us. When the community sees you're making an effort, and doing the work, they will join us in helping you.
What TJ is saying here (I think) --it's the follow through that matters most --is it all talk or will you try to do the walk?