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I earn more than $35 a day effortlessly and I will tell you how

Yes, I am earning more than $35 a day now despite having a broken English and I think we all can do it. It's all about finding the earnings sites that are best fit for you. Here is how I do it.

1.) Bubblews - It's one of the best sites to earn some extra pocket money even when you are not doing anything. It's a place where you can write about anything as long as it's not plagiarized and in more than 400 characters. Yes, I talking about characters not words. If what you have written goes beyond those 400 characters, it's considered as a valid post and they'll pay you for it. I am earning more than $25 a day from this site now. It might take some time for you to crack the code, but if you are persistent and determined, you will be able to cash out $25 daily like I am doing. Even if you are not so persistent and writing casually, there is no denying that you'll earn at least a few bucks a day if not $25. Give it a go guys.

2.) I would love to tell you about the second site, but I am not supposed to talk about it here. So, I would keep my mouth shut.

So, there you go guys. I have spilled out the secret :)

Thanks for the information, I will have to look into it. I have to do research first, because I would hate to be disappointed if the outcome is not as expected. how long have you been on Bubblews? I have seen people recommending this site , but I do not know; I guess I will take it one step at a time. I like postloop alot so far :)!
Thanks for the information, I will have to look into it. I have to do research first, because I would hate to be disappointed if the outcome is not as expected. how long have you been on Bubblews? I have seen people recommending this site , but I do not know; I guess I will take it one step at a time. I like postloop alot so far :)!

Well, things have drastically changed since I posted this. They haven't paid my redemption since that ate.
That seems pretty cool for you to make all that money off of bubblesw. I am a member on this site and when I heard about issues with payments I decided to stay away. I do not want to waste my time.
I agree with you on Bubblews, it's an easy one! Though if you try to cheat, they catch it right away. I think they pay another company to check for any rules that's been broken. How long does it take you to get the redemption's? It's getting faster and faster for me. It seems to be 10 hours faster each time I redeemed.

How much time do you spend on the 2nd site?
I also am a member there and I don't think it is effortless at all. It takes a whole lot of work. The writing of posts is easy enough. What is hard is going through the notifications and connecting to people. I do not want to short change people. I do not read every word in each post unless it is really interesting but I read enough to understand what its about. If people take time to help me earn money, I should take time to help them too.
They didn't pay me mine either :(. I have been hearing that most people didn't get paid in the month of August though because of the updates they were making. I am due to redeem again soon, so I will let you know. Others are saying that you need to credit were you get your pictures from also. So I am going to make sure I have done that before I next redeem as well. Most of my pictures come from Wikimedia Commons, which are free to use. One or two come from royalty free pictures sites. So I am going to make sure I have stated this at the bottom of each article & then redeem. See if it makes a difference.

Well, things have gone really downhill now. I don't think I will be spending any more time over there unless they fix these issues.
I joined Bubblews about two weeks ago. I became skeptical about the site after reading about the many people that haven't gotten paid. I decided to give it a try anyway. I decided if I did not get paid from my first redemption that I would not spend anymore time there. On Monday I claimed my first redemption and by Thursday I received an email from Bubblews saying my e-check has been sent to PayPal. My payment is pending and should clear in 3-5 days. So far I am liking this site. Since my first redemption went well I am going to keep on writing. Hopefully I will continue to get paid..
I joined Bubblews about two weeks ago. I became skeptical about the site after reading about the many people that haven't gotten paid. I decided to give it a try anyway. I decided if I did not get paid from my first redemption that I would not spend anymore time there. On Monday I claimed my first redemption and by Thursday I received an email from Bubblews saying my e-check has been sent to PayPal. My payment is pending and should clear in 3-5 days. So far I am liking this site. Since my first redemption went well I am going to keep on writing. Hopefully I will continue to get paid..

Yes, I hope that too. Good luck on that.
I'm still writing on the site because I haven't redeemed for a while. I love the community on the site also :). I've been crediting all my pictures and hoping that's the reason why I wasn't paid. So many others have said they are checking these things now, so I have been making sure I have followed all the rules and see what happens when I next redeem.

Yeah, that's hat happens when you don't get paid and don't hear from them. You start presuming that it was you who did it all wrong.
I have still been getting paid. I will let you know if anything changes. They really need to update their terms though...
So, it still sounds like something that one would need to attempt to do on their own and see what their experience is, if we are going by BigJ and Klassiter. That would be my advice to anyone considering it. What your account looks like to Bubblews may be completely different from those stating that they are getting paid.
I have just started over at Bubblews and it seems like an easy way to make some extra money. The key seems to be to connect with lots of people and be an active part of the community - although this definitely takes more of your time.

I haven't reached the $25 redemption yet though. I have been following all the rules I could find to a tee so let's hope I have no issues.
About crediting images... I just recently decided to give Bubblews a shot and I'm only using my own images, since I'm something of a hobbyist photographer and have thousands upon thousands of digital photographs just lying around on my back-up drive. But some of these photos have been used elsewhere in other articles and blog posts I've written for various sites. Does anyone know how they're verifying copyright on images? Am I likely to run into problems with my own shots if they've been previously published?

I know Bubblews doesn't exactly offer much writer support, and I'd hate to put in the time there if they're going to withhold payment even though I've done nothing wrong.
What is this site not mentioned , my curiosity is growing lol, currently I make pocket money through writing on iwriter and thinking about textbroker as well, getting started on iwriter is very easily done, and you can start writing immediately after sign up, it takes a week to get started with textbroker but i hear the pay is better anybody here write for textbroker if so, could let me know how the pay is and if most of your articles are accepted or rejected. thanks.
Well I did do a few things wrong. I never credited my pictures for one which is against the rules. Now that I have done that I will keep going and redeem one more time. If they don't pay me this time I will probably move my content to Triond.

They should tell us upfront when we do things wrong and violate their TOS rather than waiting for us to give up on it and making money for themselves.
I have just started over at Bubblews and it seems like an easy way to make some extra money. The key seems to be to connect with lots of people and be an active part of the community - although this definitely takes more of your time.

I haven't reached the $25 redemption yet though. I have been following all the rules I could find to a tee so let's hope I have no issues.

Good luck with getting paid. You are going to need it.
I have still been getting paid by Bubblews. I treat it as a rather passive $5-10/day for writing 5-10 posts of 100 words about whatever thought passed through my mind at the time. As I now have a few hundred posts on there, I believe that I have built things up slowly enough to stay under the radar.
Good luck with getting paid. You are going to need it.

Ya wowtgp, I have heard a lot of people have had problems getting paid on Bubblews. Some people swear by it and claim they have redeemed more than 10 times, and others reach the first redemption and don't get any money and the administrators don't tell them why.

Have your redemptions that have been piling up been paid yet?
Thanks for sharing your experience. I've been meaning to join BubbleWs, but honestly it seems a little daunting, especially since you'd presumably have to build up a following of some sort, or at the very least would have to build up my article count. Still, hearing about your success story gives me more confidence in the site itself, so I'm definitely considering it a lot more now. Thanks again!
I'm really happy they just started paying me :). So sorting out all my pictures must of helped after all :). I think you really need to check all your work and read the terms of conditions. I was really shocked and pleased this morning when I went to check my Paypal account and noticed I had a Bubblews payment :)

Lol. I have checked it out already. Aren't they supposed to tell me if I do anything wrong? It's not worth the effort anymore since I am earning much more on, and Expertspages. Their CPM rate is really high and they treat their writers with respect.