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Ask Me Anything I made $1,438.80 in a day

Traffic source: Google ads
Ads spent: $400+
Offer: Water Damage Restoration

And I am testing mobile traffic as of now will upload progress

Must understand what pay per call is all about. I remember a guy contact me and said he put up a pay per call campaign on AdWords and he got 10 clicks but Call's isn't. So I made him understand that when your call only ad is clicked or tapped whichever you call it is just a click. He or she might decide not to call the number. The click or tap on your ads is just a dial.


When you have understood what is about then decide on any niche e.g home services, travel, security, health, insurance, legal etc


Start with keywords research before anything. The pros might argue it but I have my reasons.

To be continued...
Seems to me Adwords *should* be able to open any android phone preloaded with the number to dial -- let the consumer decide if he wants to complete that call ...

IPhone would not comply (*unless paid-off to >:0)
In my last post I stated start with keyword research cos i love having my keywords to develop landing page content.

Gather at least 5 to 10 root keywords for your keyword research and generate longtail keywords from it.

Here are 2 ways I go about generating longtail keywords.

First I visit google trend enter one of my root keyword e.g flood cleanup am not particular about trend now but cities, counties are what am after. But you can get more than that from gtrends.


That's flood clean up trend.


New keyword I discovered "basement flood clean up"


States discovered but I chose Louisiana.


Cities discovered

baton rogue la
new orleans la

After all the discovery with all the states, cities and county

I merge my keywords with these format

city state keyword
e.g new orleans la flood cleanup

city keyword
e.g new orleans flood cleanup

state keyword
e.g la flood cleanup
e.g lousiana flood cleanup

keyword city state
keyword city
keyword state abb
keyword state full

Copy all merges keywords go to either kwfinder or keyword keg to find out which of the keywords is with searches that's all that matters to me.

Second is using

Will share how in my next post.

Stay tuned...
I know have not concluded what I started but have been busy with my publishers cos is payment weeks.

Monday I will upload the concluded part of keywords research
Haha am back to complete what i started.

I remember the keyword we use is "flood cleanup"

And state is "Louisiana"

We also discovered cities in the above state

"baton rouge la
new orleans la"

What i want to show you can be done with only state and also can be done with city alone as well.

Here we go.

Will do with state first

go to Keyword Planner Alternative #1 For Google AdWords PPC & SEO (FREE) mind you a premium account is needed

enter the keyword "flood cleanup"

then filter

Here are the results


Some might say search volume is low but is what i have tried and tested it okay

One state to one adgroup

let us go ahead with one of the cities

Filter with the city


Here are the result


You can broad modify it or stick to broad which am doing with huge negatives to go with it

Thanks you.

Have any questions ask i will be glad to respond.
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