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I need help getting conversions for CPA Offers

Very well put and yes I was told the same thing in one of my courses but here's the thing. The very same guy who built this lander for me, he showed me that his traffic method works even with direct linking to the offer. Since he had not used a lander in his promotion, this tells me that it is the traffic source and method which is key!

That's not to say I am in any way minimizing the value of landers but I am going by what I have seen with this guy with my own eyes.
In the beginning with Pop Ads there were a few conversions but after looking at the data I was advised by the forum leaders on that forum to abandon those offers.
I think it really depends on the offer you have, not only the traffic source.
If you're going to self-service platforms etc - talk to their support, usually they have a lot of data regarding what's works best/worst on their platform.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'm just running Facebook ads right now and collecting data on the pixel. Hopefully sales will come later. Just hanging in there trying to go thru the learning curve.