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“AdsEmpire”/Direct Affiliate

I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

Just realised the postback is delayed for the other campaign. I've actually had 4 conversions so sitting at about $6.5 from $70 meaning a -90% ROI...
Any tips for ripping landers quicker?

I find a lot of time is spent going through all the code, taking out links and scripts which is either too much and the page stops working or isn't enough and the page redirects where it shouldn't go. And then even once I think it's clean there is always the chance it is re-directing every 100 loads or something like that.
The landers seem to have conflicting results across the 3 traffic sources:

LP2 had the highest ctr and conversion for propeller ads, but then much lower ctr for zeropark.

I'm not sure if this was the best way to test but what I did was run the same campaign on 3 different traffic sources as I mentioned above to see which has the "best" traffic.

I learnt from previous camps that traffic can make or break you. I'm still new so it could very well be me that's useless but the below data from 3 TP sources seems to indicate some are just better suited for certain camps. If I had chosen TP3 I would have canned the offer as the spend is nearly 100X the PA with no conversions, unlike TP2 which had 13 conversions and even less spend. Who know's, I could have messed up the campaign on that source which is why I made no conversions.

I had 1 offer, 5 landers, 1 geo and 3 different traffic sources. Quite interesting how the traffic sources performed so differently.

TP1: $70 spend and 16 conversions(low payout well under $1)
TP2: $10 spend and 13 conversions (Still heavy -80% ROI)
TP3: $14 spend and 0 conversions

The reason why TP1 spend was so high is I'm not sure. I set my budget to $10 a day but it just went well over that and I only realised a few days later. I have since emailed them querying it.

I think I'm going to concentrate on TP2 and try more offers with the 3 best landers to do more initial testing.

One thing I recommend to all other newbies is to keep a record of spending. It' easy to blow $50 here, $30 there, $70 here etc and not realise how quickly it adds up to a few $xxx.

Your brain compartmentalises spend and it doesn't seem like much until you sum it all up...

Glad for you .In my opinion i think you should work hard with free traffic and also to work with paid traffic for your campaigns
Hey, Craig!
I've noticed you are experiencing some problems with the campaigns in Zeropark. Feel free to PM us or to write down on support to get a helping hand!

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