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If You HAD to Start Over - What would you do Different???


I am new to this forum. But I wanted to respond to Lisa76. She said:

"I tried selling all the books that taught people "how to market online" and my site just got swallowed up by all the competition."

We work with new clients creating an online presence. The first thing I tell them is NOT to tackle the "make money niche", as Lisa said they will just get swallowed up by the competition.

People are shocked to learn that you can easily make $1,000 to $5,000 dollars on a monthly basis, very easily, working with a "hobby niche". This is one of the things that we teach them. In fact, we give free consulting to anyone who wants it when they place an ad with us.

Yes. Stay away from the "make money", or, I would even add, the "lose weight" niche. The waters are too deep and you will drown in the competition.

I have not spoken to anyone yet who does not have a hobby or some passion that can be marketed profitably online.

(Thanks for letting me add my 2 cents).

Enjoy Your Day!

George Owens
If I were to start all over I would spend more on software and tools and less on ebooks. I no longer spend money on info unless it comes highly recommended this does not mean I read an affiliate review hyping the product.

Most of the best information can be found in forums.

I also would have spent more of my earnings and reinvested them. As of now about 25-30% is reinvested and things really did not take off until profits were reinvested. I can not stress this enough. It does not mean spending it on the next silver bullet info product. I means spending it on tools for promoting my sites. It may be software or outsourcing. My concentration is on finding niches and converting keywords.

I would have also focused more on list building.

For those starting out don't take the profit and run. If your serious about this spend it on promoting your business.
I have seen some of your youtube videos and you talked about disscussion forums as being a great way to get free traffic to your site. I was wondering how were you able to post a link to your site in this forum when they say it's against the rules?
Spent More Time Getting Free Traffic...


In thinking about it all I would have spent more time focusing on getting FREE traffic. Something that I now understand much better thanks to FB.

Jack Richardson
If I had to change anything it would have been understanding the concept and importance of keywords. Now I do not have any problems and am able to rank onthe first 2 pages. I have been out of the loop for a little bit due to medical issues, but am jumping in with both feet again.

I have not found a true niche that I like any better than another, but the best luck I have so far has been the "money making niches". Yes I know, there are quite a few who frown on this niche, but for me? It is what got me started.

The forums are a tremendous resource so it is great coming back in to see what all I have missed in the past 4-6 months. ;)
I think I would have put time in learning about SEO techniques and practices at the same time i was learning web design. Eventually i got to the position of being able to build websites that could never be found, and trully under estimated the work that goes in to SEO.
First of all, I would have made my own website earlier.

I tried every way I could think of to make money online, without my own website. Needless to say, none of them worked.

I had very, very, very little money when I first started. I'm still nowhere close to rich, but having to learn how to make my own website, instead of being able to buy one, turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I don't have to call, wait for, and pay for a website designer to help me do every little change I want to make.

Also, you have to go outside your comfort zone. It is the only way to grow, and get better.

If you always do what you always did, you will always have what you always had.

Good luck.

Matthew Zinda
Getting everything build and start over is not an easy thing to do for both physically and mentally. We all hoping for a successful business whether it's conventional business or online business. But if it fail, we have to start all over again from scratch.

Can you imagine the burden? Well, as a human being we have to be able to pass all that. If we can stand once more after we fall, we make that stand more steady and more powerful than before. It is just natural...

But when someone ask me what will I do? I just simply avoid my old mistakes and making my decision based on my new choice. If it fails again, then, I just do it over and over again until I succeeded in my business.

Just like a baby that learn to walk, if he falls, he always learn how to get on his feet again and again and again until his feet is manage to hold his body weight and do the walking.
What a great topic. I guess I've started myself on the right track so far. I've picked a niche that I'm really in to, I've diversified my affiliates, now I just need to work on bringing in more traffic, which I'm starting to do (hopefully) with some good quality articles.

I've thought about buying some articles online to help fill in the site, would this be recommended? If so, which sites should I use?
I would have probably just registered a bunch of domain names when I was back in junior high school and be busy doing nothing right now lol... :D
Why don't you like free traffic?

I would have concentrated less on ways to get free traffic and more on strategies for monetising paid traffic.

Why, on earth would you want to concentrate on spending money as apposed to accomplishing the same thing free?
I would have concentrated less on ways to get free traffic and more on strategies for monetising paid traffic.

Have to say I agree fully with that one. Our company really struggled in the beginning as we were trying to get leads in on the cheap, so we were barely bringing in 50 clients a day. Once we paid for affiliates our leads and conversions rose dramatically.
I was barley 16 when I first started trying to make money online so it was easier for me to get sucked in to the whole get rich quick thing and get my hopes up. Really I wasn't suppose to be signing up for these programs when I was under 18 but I was determined and my card was accepted lol. Right when I turned 18 I spent about $1500 dollars on get response power leads using Rachel Long's email marketing method for an mlm program. I worked hard for that money, and losing it made me lose my faith in internet marketing. A few years later I realized net marketing wasn't the problem, my mindset of getting rich quick is what caused me to lose that money. If I could go back I wouldn't pay attention to ads like "make $156,272 with 18 clicks of your mouse" (I recently saw a clickbank product similiar to this and it brought back memories LOL).
Hi Linda
Good question?

If I was starting out now I would not look for and sign up to many Free offers and downloads looking for answers, Don't get me wrong a lot of the infomation was good.

But can you imagine your email inbox thousand upon thousand of emails, and you just get side tracked by all the offers jumping around like a jelly bean from one offer to the next a not getting anywhere.

Now I would Find a Niche dose not matter what niche and become the best I can within that niche and give GOOD VALUABLE ADVICE (FREE) and become an authority figure within that chosen niche and then word will spread.

Success to All