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Case Study iGaming Creatives: +$130 Daily [Guide + Case]

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
PropellerAds Multisource advertising platform
Zeydoo — Earn with Push Subscriptions
  • GEOs: AU, NZ, CA
  • daily profit: $130 from Push notifications
This means that our partner gets about $4 000 per month from only.

And here are some of his general statistics by weeks (period: 03/04/2023 - 14/05/2023):


The difference in profit during the first and sixth week can be explained easily - this happened because our partner has changed his approach to GEOs, which you will see below. His main GEOs were CA and AU, he received a significant amount of subscriptions during the first period, which turned into growing profit during the second period. And this happened around all the GEOs.

Here is how it is reflected in the statistics.
The first weeks:


The last weeks:


By the example of AU, our partner first had 2222 subscriptions and his profit was $1 047, while at the end he had 2 721 subscriptions with $1 893 profit.

Why did this happen? The profit started growing because our partner received money from the previous subscriptions.

Globally, push conversions heavily depend on the landing page and creatives on your landing page. Our publisher did a great job tailoring appealing creatives and therefore - succeeded. So let’s take a look at his witty ideas, review them, and see how you can use those insights to your advantage

Check our partner’s strategy in case study.

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