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I'm not making any money


New Member
I've been doing affiliate marketing for about 8 months now and I haven't seen 1 dime. I believe it's b/c I'm not consistant I was always looking for things to make me money today. Any encouraging words?
xoxo2havefun, you probably haven't made any money because you were not going about things in the right way.

Often when people get started they try to sell something that is suppose to make others rich when they haven't made anything themselves. I don't know if this is what you did.

Sometimes when people are new they are expecting everything to be easy because of what they have been reading by people who are selling something saying how quick and easy it is to make large amounts of money. Again, I don't know if that is what happened with you.

However, no matter what you problems might be, the important thing is to get you on the right track.

A big step in the right direction would be to read as much as you can right here in the Newbie Affiliate Forum. Pay special attention to the threads that are "Sticky" because they are loaded with a wealth of information, but also notice the other threads as well because many of them are also helpful.

It will take some time because there is a lot of reading. It is worth it because it will tell you a lot of things to avoid as well as a lot of things that you should be doing.

After that you might want to consider spending a lot of time reading in our Niche Marketing Forum You will find that could also be useful to you.

Our members are friendly and very helpful. Even though the information you read is going to provide you with a great deal of useful information, you are still going to have some questions. Just ask questions whenever you have any.

The good thing about it is you will be getting help without anything trying to sell you anything, because we don't allow that.

We are here to help you.
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Hi xoxo2havefun,

Welcome to 5 Star. Hope we can help you get on the right track.

Larry gave you some good advice. read those newbie stickies for sure. But then the most important thing for getting started is to pick the right niche. most newbies start off trying to sell ''how to make money online" or Internet marketing related products to other newbies. That's the WORST place to start, for a WIDE variety of reasons.

So if that's mainly what you've tried, that's part of the problem. The other thing is it takes lots of TARGETED traffic to make a sale. It can take 200 - 500 clicks to make a sale and it can take 5000 visitors to get 500 clicks. So 1st find the right niche for you (the stickies in the niche forum will be a big help!) Then learn how to drive qualified traffic, then pick the right affiliate program and learn how to do affiliate marketing.

That's the order in a nutshell. We can help you with each of those steps. Start with those stickies then ask more specific questions as you have them.
It would be nice to know too which method of online money making you're attempting so that the readers here can point you to the right direction. I haven't made a lot of money, but I tried enough suggestions with moderate success. Enough proof to keep trying and coming back here.
Stick to it! You will get there. There is no way you can work on something everyday and after a good amount of time, get nowhere with it. Its inevitable that you WILL start to earn money.
My guess is that many of us have had that feeling, I know that I have. In this business, patience and sticking to your plan is important. You do have a plan? Try to concentrate on no more than two of your ideas and just work with them. We all get bombarded with one "great" idea after another every day. Just ignore them and concentrate on your plan.
Good luck,
I think stick with your plan is the right thing to do.

Lots of people might pick a specific niche and after a while if they haven't made any money from it they will give up.

There are many ways to skin this affiliate marketing cat, I am sure you will find yours!
Agree with the others. Gotta have a lotta patience to be doin this type of work and maybe some pigheadedness (hmm not sure that's a word) just have to try to learn as much as you can, adopt what it is you learn and be very patient. And......don't stop trying to learn. :)
Good luck:)
It appears to me like you have already diagnosed your problem.You say you are not consistent and you are looking to make money today

I suppose that is two problems.

The beauty of this is you are half way to the solution. A lot of people in the forums say they are not making any money and do not know why

You know why so you can sort it out

I think the place to start is to write down your plan, if you have one. I fyou do not, then you need to device a plan.

No, no no, i don't mean 'I plan to make money online' :eek:

I mean I want to add two pages per week to my website, or I want to submit one article per week to a major article directory, or I will write a new post in my blog every other day. By the way you can aim to achieve all three, they are not mutually exclusive

The next thing you need to do is address your mindset. You see affiliate marketing is a real business, and any business needs time and a lot of effort to thrive. You cannot run a business by chasing after every new thing out there.

Decide on a skill you want to master eg writing articles, or SEO or forum participation [the right way ie not spamming] and focus on it

Finally you need to track what you are doing. Build on whatever activities yield a result and abandon the duds

I hope this has helped

Good luck

If you are still reading this thread looking for recommendations I would suggest that you start social marketing with squidoo/hubpages. It is very simple to get a page started that will collect your clicks, and you can immediately network to get views and the pages are seod for you, etc. still need to do everything you would with a normal website to promote it, and this of course takes time and seo skills, link building skills, etc.

So, if you want to attempt to get traffic quickly and possibly get one of your first few sales then head over to a social site, like the ones mentioned above( which are free), and take a look around. This is by far one of the fastest ways to get started. If you go down the wordpress path, or attempt to create a site from scratch, you will spend tons of time building the thing before you can even think about marketing it.

People making good money have at least a year of skills, and often times they are using PPC and dancing with the devil of credit. :eek: We tend to see the success stories, and they are so conspicuous because they go viral on the web. In summation, uhhh..... I must close with the old cliche: Internet Marketing is harder than your average job, and..... you may put loads of time in for very little profit when you first start out. Good luck.

P.S. Make sure you pick a merchant with 1800# tracking, no sequence that overrides your cookies(e-mails from a merchant to YOUR lead that don't credit your cookie), and encrypt your links. Oh, and NO EBOOKS.

P.P.S 8 hours a day for a month with 0 profit is very common if you work to get organic traffic.
Affiliate marketing is not something you can master in a day. It is not as easy as posting your affiliate link to every person on earth. You need to constantly update yourself about the business.

You can get people to motivate you everyday but I personally think that motivation should come from within. You should be clear of what you want to achieve in life and in your business.

If you get your mind right, you will be able to market your product more consistently and it will be your turn to give encouraging words to others very soon.

Hope that helps. :D