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In all honesty...


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Hi guys, I'm newish to Clickbank marketing using Facebook Ads. I did a Father's Day campaign back in June selling print on demand mugs but I had no success.

How much money do I really need to see a profitable campaign? PPC Coach had a Father's Day course where he recommended a test campaign budget of $60. Is this really enough?

Do I need thousands of dollars to test ad sets? Have any of you guys ever gotten profitable ad sets with a much smaller amount of money? I find a lot of the MMO gurus don't mention how much money you really need to make $1000 a day.

So, lots of questions.

I'm newish to Clickbank marketing using Facebook Ads. I did a Father's Day campaign back in June selling print on demand mugs but I had no success.

Okay, so marketing CB products is challenging in many ways. It isn't where I would start as a Newbie. If you are absolutely committed to CB products, you will need to first do some intelligence work (like any other promoting) to see what traffic sources are working for the product, niche, and demographics. Intelligence work will tell you what is currently working or succeeding for those promoting the offer.

How much money do I really need to see a profitable campaign?

There are offers and traffic sources where a couple of hundred dollars may be enough (not many). There are some where a couple of thousand is required. In this business, and especially when new, you must have the tools like a tracker, a host, a good way to produce landing pages, an intelligence platform, and some others. You can't drive a car without tires and an engine.

Have any of you guys ever gotten profitable ad sets with a much smaller amount of money?

Yes, of course! However, those of us with experience know how to get profitable quicker than those that are new. In most cases, having $500 to $1000 is most suitable for testing and scaling.

However, you need to keep in mind that you may only get your earnings back every 2 weeks and as long as every 30 days. If you have to run a campaign for 30 days at $200 a day in traffic, then you are spending $6k before you get any money back.

I find a lot of the MMO gurus don't mention how much money you really need to make $1000 a day.

They are in the business of selling courses and 80% of them are only equipped to teach one way of earning and most of them are not vey good a teaching. Less than 20% of coaching out there is highly valuable.

For me to earn $1000, I usually have to spend between $2000 to $2500 ($3500 gross return, $1000 net). Sometimes less, especially with campaign sets that are tweaked and with funnels I have refined for five or six months. Refined funnels can go for years, though you are constantly making adjustments with copy, demographics, landers, and site content.

It's a process, and you have to invest in learning the process by investing in the tools, the traffic, etc., and be resilient with your efforts and time. It isn't difficult, but it does require "making your bones" and all of us here can help along the way.
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This make me think of the (very) old J. Giles Band song --"First I Look at the Purse"
What is your ad money buying you? That's the metric you need to look at.

Is your funnel working?
Usually with Facebook you need a 'man-in-the-middle' approach, e.g.; a pre-lander for the Facebook (other) referrals to click out and enter the CB landing page of the offer --how many get to that point as a percentage?

So, how can anybody answer specifically your question without numbers --they cannot.
It's like asking how much air do I need to breathe to survive --what will you be doing when you need to breathe?
So, lots of questions.

Okay, so marketing CB products is challenging in many ways. It isn't where I would start as a Newbie. If you are absolutely committed to CB products, you will need to first do some intelligence work (like any other promoting) to see what traffic sources are working for the product, niche, and demographics. Intelligence work will tell you what is currently working or succeeding for those promoting the offer.

There are offers and traffic sources where a couple of hundred dollars may be enough (not many). There are some where a couple of thousand is required. In this business, and especially when new, you must have the tools like a tracker, a host, a good way to produce landing pages, an intelligence platform, and some others. You can't drive a car without tires and an engine.

Yes, of course! However, those of us with experience know how to get profitable quicker than those that are new. In most cases, having $500 to $1000 is most suitable for testing and scaling.

However, you need to keep in mind that you may only get your earnings back every 2 weeks and as long as every 30 days. If you have to run a campaign for 30 days at $200 a day in traffic, then you are spending $6k before you get any money back.

They are in the business of selling courses and 80% of them are only equipped to teach one way of earning and most of them are not vey good a teaching. Less than 20% of coaching out there is highly valuable.

For me to earn $1000, I usually have to spend between $2000 to $2500. Sometimes less, especially with campaign sets that are tweaked and with funnels I have refined for five or six months. Refined funnels can go for years, though you are constantly making adjustments with copy, demographics, landers, and site content.

It's a process, and you have to invest in learning the process by investing in the tools, the traffic, etc., and be resilient with your efforts and time. It isn't difficult, but it does require "making your bones" and all of us here can help along the way.
That's a huge loss if you spend between $2000 and $2500 to earn $1000 a day.
That's a huge loss if you spend between $2000 and $2500 to earn $1000 a day.


Had my numbers backwards, typing too fast while listening to my wife tell me something!

Sorry Mistake GIF

To earn $1000 a day, I do spend $2000 to $2500, but I was giving a net from the gross. In other words. If I spend $2500 to earn $1000, I am getting back $3500 and the net is $1000.
Okay, so marketing CB products is challenging in many ways. It isn't where I would start as a Newbie. If you are absolutely committed to CB products, you will need to first do some intelligence work (like any other promoting) to see what traffic sources are working for the product, niche, and demographics. Intelligence work will tell you what is currently working or succeeding for those promoting the offer.
Thanks for the reply. Can you please tell me where you would start as a newbie? CPA offers? Dropshipping?
Thanks for the reply. Can you please tell me where you would start as a newbie? CPA offers? Dropshipping?

I recommend CPA for a couple of months. Once you have established your business with promoting CPA offers, then add an affiliate program to your business for promoting. Promoting an affiliate offer is a larger and more involved process.