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Increase Your G+ Following in 30 Seconds

Andy Haskins

Well-Known Member
Landing Page Guys

Increase Your G+ Following in 30 Seconds

Just a short and sweet guide on a technique I've been using the past couple of weeks to build my G+ following (which has just passed 1,000 followers). It only takes 30 seconds each day and the results can build up pretty quickly. It's not bulletproof and I haven't conducted thorough research but have seen results so thought I would post.

Google +

1) Visit G+ and type 'circleshare' (without quote marks) in the search box. This will bring up multiple posts that show 'circles'
2) Simply choose one of the circles and click 'Add People'.


3) A pop up box will appear, name the circle or choose and existing one and click the blue button at the bottom and the people will be added


4) Sit back and wait for them to follow you back
5) Rinse and repeat each day.

Notes about the technique:
- You will sometimes get a message saying you have reached your limits, don't worry as from what I can see a certain amount of people still get added and start following back.
- So far with this technique I have not 'actively' been posting content on my G+. If you can combine this with some valuable content it could be a lot more effective IMO.
- There are daily follow limitations and it seems apparent an overall follow limitation (5000) which means once you hit it you will need to uncircle some people (recommendations for services are welcome in the comments below!)
- You will find yourself following people more than once as sometimes circleshares can be a bit scarce, you can see who you are already following when the pop up comes up (it shows a little icon in the bottom right).

Regardless of the above points it has increased my follow count extremely quickly so you've got nothing to lose! :ninja:
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Very cool! And perfect for people like me who don't do a lot of social networking. I'm just not social enough to hunt up 5,000 people the hard way. :)

Its working. Haha!
It is not fast enough, but I get around 5 - 10 adds per day.
I don't know whats with the Circle thingy but it works.

You may find that it will pick up traction once you have a few more followers. I seem to have days where I can get 70-80 new followers and others where they trickle in.
Just want to confirm that this method works. I'm up to 60 followers less than a week after creating a Google Plus profile, and I'm still getting new ones at a steady pace. Thanks for posting this!
Setting up a friends G+ and this sure saves hours of click click click ... Many txs ... BR PJ
Will this work for Google+ pages in any way? Or is it a case of doing this with personal profiles then mention the page in future updates...