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Index Page Links


New Member
I have a sub-directory that contains only a few pages. For SEO purposes, should I have a link from the index page of the sub-directory to the index page of the main site and visa-versa?

Also, on the other pages within the sub-directory, should they also have a link to the index page of the main site or just to the index page of the sub-directory?
It's certainly a good idea to link between the two sites, not just for SEO (pay attention to the anchor text!) but also for your visitors.

Whether you just link between the home pages or add the links as a universal header, foort, or navigation bar depends on how close the sites are in content. If the content is related and it's likely your visitors would go back anf forth between the sites, adding the links for all pages makes sense. If the content is not that closely related, stick to jusy home page links.

Site-wide links are not going to add much SEO value to just home page links so it's a matter of what's more beneficial for your visitors.
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