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Initiating a Semi-Adult Forum & Blog. How to earn from it.


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[Mentorship & Help Required]
Hello Everyone, since past month, I'm regularly learning from here and various resources. Raising my voice here, Neither a porn nor completely adult blog, It might be confusing, but help me with my query asked below.

I'm going to engage my audience with wants to get Naughty, Wants to ask or suggest frankly that can't be possible in other forums, Share Naughty & Hot content (some of them might nude, or related to adult or porn), Gifs for entertainments. In short, all content targeted on forum and blog not really suitable for minors, but they will not as hardcore as tube sites.

I want to know above explained & all suitable advertising method/Partners. Also wants to know Affiliate Partners, where I can refill my wallet of maintaining quality server for decent traffic. Yes, I'm expecting huge amount of traffic that I already had prepared. Expected traffic from India mostly. But, needs precious suggestions for revenue generation.
Huge part of Indian traffic is mobile. If you feel like you want to monetize it, try WapEmpire, this type of traffic can work really good with standard sexy and glam mobile subscriptions. You will probably find our smartlink useful, too. Pm or skype me for more details
Adult dating/hookup sites and cam sites would go well with your forum I think. Hit me up on Skype: moneylovers.matteo