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Instagram accounts


New Member
I have 5 fresh accounts on instagram. I have a question with name these acc. I'm using real full names (people do not exist ofc., do not create such a common fan pages) and connected them to my TT. For TT won't be problem but how is it for instagram?
Maybe it is a noob question, but I want be sure I won't receive ban for this. Thanks.
I'm afraid that I don't know about multiple social accounts and don't know what TT is but maybe this bump will get your thread noticed by someone who does.
Yes, you can have multiple accounts and they have added a new feature to make it easy to switch between accounts. Remember though, stick to their TOS. They are pretty good at finding affiliate abuse.
I'm agree with Administrator, I'm also using multiple accounts on Instagram & don't face any problem. In fact Instagram is giving best features for multiple accounts with another amazing features.multiple accounts.