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Internet as a Social Communication Media



Evolution/Proliferation of Internet as a Mass Social Communication Media: You can see a clear division between commercial and aesthetic expressions, sometimes arbitrary. Modern mass communication media is poles apart relative to any aesthetic feeling: vulgarity & arrogance nullify any hypothesis of meaning.

Aesthetics is the more powerful answer to violence of modern mass communication. Today’s mass communication media seems to elude every determination, exposing...
I say, if I can't understand it, it's gibberish :batz:
That text is taken from seotrends website within his profile.
I'm not sure if he targets a highly intellectual audience, or
the content was written, re-written, and then spun for copyscape
passing :)
He has not improved his rating or his websites in any ways at all and he is just another gibberish from being banned.
Be careful seotrends. Simply by contributing relevant posts, and helping others, you will get
on "good ground" :) here!
Just wanted to share something relevant to the subject, nothing academic or rocket science, it's common sense. Some of you might have different ideas..appreciate that. Originally posted on my own website and it talks about internet marketing, and yes I did take reference from various media publications and interviews (copyscape?), which are clearly mentioned there. -Sagar

I knew there was a punchline!! THE URL!!

I have been out of college for over 20 years but i would have liked to chat on that level back in the day! I can't remeber all of those words though!! hehe
Too Highbrow for me sorry. Socio Economics was never something that interested me at the top level, I prefer it whenit is down and dirty. One thing I would say though is that ANYONE who intends getting their message should use the language most suited to the biggest audience. IE if you are trying to attract English speaking people, no point in writing an article in Punjabi ;)

One thing I have always been complimented on is taking difficult information and concepts, and delivering /explaining it easily.
Simplified writing styles is effective for web reading. Most SEO experts agree that when
you write for the web, you should use "speech style" apposed to "written style".

Surfers "skim" on the web, they don't "read"...
The problem is guys, there are more and more self proclaimed SEO EXPERTS out there. Probably 90% of them have no idea what they are talking about and for the life of them can not translate the article they stole from another site to simple words...

It happen many times before and it will happen again and again - whenever there is a hot topic - there will be new EXPERTS...