Hi! I'm 17, almost 18.
I think it is the moment to take a decision, a serious decision. I really love read Internet Marketing forum, I have dedication, I'm appassionate about all related Internet Marketing and Internet in general! I know I can!
This kind of "job" help me a lot, aside to earn money, also in improving my English. ( I'm not english )
All I do must be almost perfect! Because I'm never happy with what I do! Never. I think it is a great skill, but also it's not.
Now the question is: What's the future of Internet Marketing? Can Internet Marketing be a full time job?
The future is good, bad? If bad, we're talking about months, years?
I'm asking you these things because I'm really determined to change my life and dedicate the most of my time studying Internet Marketing. I'm following an Internet Marketing course in English, I bought the DOJO membership. All I want is make IM my full time job one day.
I want to thank all of you anyway, especially all the people who helped others to reach their goals!
Best Regards,
- Leo
I think it is the moment to take a decision, a serious decision. I really love read Internet Marketing forum, I have dedication, I'm appassionate about all related Internet Marketing and Internet in general! I know I can!
This kind of "job" help me a lot, aside to earn money, also in improving my English. ( I'm not english )
All I do must be almost perfect! Because I'm never happy with what I do! Never. I think it is a great skill, but also it's not.
Now the question is: What's the future of Internet Marketing? Can Internet Marketing be a full time job?
The future is good, bad? If bad, we're talking about months, years?
I'm asking you these things because I'm really determined to change my life and dedicate the most of my time studying Internet Marketing. I'm following an Internet Marketing course in English, I bought the DOJO membership. All I want is make IM my full time job one day.
I want to thank all of you anyway, especially all the people who helped others to reach their goals!
Best Regards,
- Leo