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Seeking Help Is Affiliate Marketing Difficult or a Piece of Cake?


New Member
I've been pondering this question quite a bit lately. On one hand, you hear stories of newbies who dive into affiliate marketing and seem to struggle endlessly, often ending up disappointed. On the flip side, there are success stories of affiliate marketing campaigns that practically feel like free money, effortless to promote, where all you need to do is plug in your affiliate offers with the right traffic source or advertising network. Think direct linking, fully managed networks, and brand bidding. Stuff so simple that even a 5-year-old could do it...

In my own opinion I think at start its really hard, Specially when you complicate things too much

But then there's the harsh reality where people lose substantial sums of money.

I'd love to hear your experiences with affiliate marketing. How do you perceive it?
For me, business of any kind is all about the timing and opportunity.


Right time and the right place and eyes open to the opportunity


Never grind to the bitter end with a loser --pivot and move on.
I'd love to hear your experiences with affiliate marketing.

I'm not sure you are receptive to the truth the way you talk about this industry and it's newbies. You obviously have negative thoughts that have likely prevented you from entering the industry.

there's the harsh reality where people lose substantial sums of money.

Negative (and incorrect) thought about the newbies and the industry. They are not "losing" money. They are investing money in learning and executing on a new business. Anyone, and everyone, that declares people lose money are full of crap. Most who fail are failing because they wanted to, and did, take short cuts because they were either underfunded or refused to take the time to acquire and learn to use the necessary tools. Many acquire the tools and were properly funded but did not profit immediately giving up before they could see the results of working through campaigns and funnels until they understood the process.

there are success stories of affiliate marketing

These are from the people that studied the industry and "got a set of brains", found an entry pint, built a plan of action and a business plan, had a reasonable and sufficient budget, and acquired the necessary tools to make it all come together.

my own opinion I think at start its really hard, Specially when you complicate things too much

A really ignorant thing to say. Nothing is hard in this industry. NOTHING, and nothing is complicated. You want complicated? Do what my younger brother did and borrow a half a million dollars to be a doctor. Many years of education, huge debt, and you still start at a low salary. Medicine is complicated, the law professions are complicated, becoming a magnate is complicated! Becoming a successful affiliate earning six figures within a couple of years is NOT COMPLICATED!

there are success stories of affiliate marketing campaigns that practically feel like free money, effortless to promote, where all you need to do is plug in your affiliate offers with the right traffic source or advertising network.

Another ignorant thing to think and say. There are no newbies having never been in this industry that will tell you this happened to them and there is no seasoned marketers that will every tell you that either. It's just a stupid, dumb, an very ignorant statement.

This is a business and you have to treat it as such, NO EXCEPTIONS! That means you have to WORK! If you take the time to study, find an entry point, build a plan and stick to it, properly fund the new business, then you can be earning easily within a few months and be in the six figure earnings bracket within a couple of years.
It's just a stupid, dumb, an very ignorant statement.

I believe Sophiachan may have been influenced by what she was exposed online.
The statement of the first post could be something Sophiachan believe is true.

I just want to mention ... the amount of bullshit online can be overwhelming.
They are convincing videos and convincing blogs online.
Newbies are vulnerable to sellers of snake oil.

When people are desperate or feel like a failure or a trapped in a toxic job, they will be more vulnerable to the bullshit online.
Some will grasp at straws and fairy tales in hope of better days.

I was a victim of that.
Perhaps Sophiachan is a victim of that.

The way you formulate your statement may scare the newbies.
They could less inclined to ask questions or to participate in the forum.

I do not mind the way your reply.
I am fine with it.
It is the other newcomers who may feel differently.

I am happy Sophiachan made this thread.

I found the answers of those who knows to be inspiring.
It also cast away the dark shadow of the lying bullshitters. who preys upon the newbies
I was motivated but now my mind is clearer and my heart is at peace with my choice.

Thank you TJ Tutor, Greybeard,and Azgold for your contribution on affiliatefix.
Also thank you to all those who contribute and share their knowledge.

I also thank Sophiachan for daring to say what was said.

As a newbie, I can tell that this thread will help a bunch and help dispel some toxic myths.

I hope everyone have a good day and find success.

Edited: because I forgot the world help in between will and a bunch
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Hello @Sophiachan :D

Welcome to Affiliatefix!!! :affiliatefix: :affiliatefix: :affiliatefix:

It's such a pleasure to have you join us! Welcome !!!

As far as learning affiliate marketing, I think it is very easy and simple.

First thing I would do is get mentorship, find successful mentors
to help guide you! This will eliminate tons of wasted time and effort!

Finding a good mentor can be may want to seek help with that too!

Everything is challenging in the learning how to drive a car.....
but after some time're driving while talking on the phone

and having lunch at the same time!!! :rofl :rofl:rofl

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The way you formulate your statement may scare the newbies.
They could less inclined to ask questions or to participate in the forum.

I do not mind the way your reply.
I am fine with it.
It is the other newcomers who may feel differently.

True! I am getting fed up with the crap of snake oil salesmen out their, but I am also getting fed up with those that buy into that crap. Common sense seems to escape so many inexperienced individuals today. It absolutely helps to perpetuate the false narratives about what we do.

So, if some of those I have become a little unhinged with are insulted, or allow themselves to be frightened away, because of I provide hard and raw unfiltered truth, please know it is my attempt to WAKE YOU UP and not to insult anyone or otherwise make you or anyone feel diminished or to feel bad about themselves. If you were riding in a car with me and I suddenly started to veer off the road headed towards a severe drop-off you would definitely yell and use raw unadulterated and unfiltered language to keep me back on the road.

I am always willing, and in most cases capable, to help all of you and with special attention to newbies. It's just sometimes my many (MANY) years of experience sometimes brings out some of my intolerances. It's a weakness that seems to come out more frequently in my old age, I AM AN OLD FART!
I've been pondering this question quite a bit lately. On one hand, you hear stories of newbies who dive into affiliate marketing and seem to struggle endlessly, often ending up disappointed. On the flip side, there are success stories of affiliate marketing campaigns that practically feel like free money, effortless to promote, where all you need to do is plug in your affiliate offers with the right traffic source or advertising network. Think direct linking, fully managed networks, and brand bidding. Stuff so simple that even a 5-year-old could do it...

In my own opinion I think at start its really hard, Specially when you complicate things too much

But then there's the harsh reality where people lose substantial sums of money.

I'd love to hear your experiences with affiliate marketing. How do you perceive it?
I think affiliate marketing is a piece of cake. What's difficult about it is finding who will reveal the actual secrets to you. There are already blueprints from top affiliate marketers who are already successful in this. But the problem is most times, not many are willing to tell you the exact truth about how they made it, instead they want to make more money with you and provide you with various differing content that makes it look like a marathon. Sometimes, you'd have to figure out things for yourself.
because of I provide hard and raw unfiltered truth,
Truth hurts and sometimes totally sucks.
So what else is new :D

Truth does change sometimes --but not often in any real marketing strategy.
Copernicus and Newton changed the world --so did Albert Einstein.
But the core science of marketing is not like astronomy or physics.

Humans have basically behaved the same since prehistory.
Freud pointed that out succinctly --the Id part of the human psyche is unchanging.

Most human behavior is very predictable.
What's difficult about it is finding who will reveal the actual secrets to you.
If you discover the ``real secret`` why give away your hard work?

Logically, you would milk out the profit as long as you can. Once something is only marginally profitable, you might freely expose it to more competition --in theory anyway. Isn't that what spy-tools are about (cynicism)? Getting a leg-up on your competitor?

Really, in sales and marketing, there are no real secrets of success that are already not known.

The problem lies in your application of this knowledge to your particular purpose.
Hello Sophiachan,

though I have no experience trying to build a business on my own, I am working with several individual media buyers as an advertiser. The abundance of fraudsters, the unforgiving nature of some platform algorithms and the overwhelming amount of information online will hinder you, but it's definitely possible to build a legitimate and functional business. Find a reliable network, work consistently and you will eventually get there.