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Is humor a good idea?

It depends on your niche and a product you want to sell. I'm a big fan of Zendesk's partner page. Check out images
in the section Better together and intro to their terms:
Welcome to the land of legal eagles.* The information provided here is for Zendesk subscribers and suppliers who have questions about our terms, policies, intellectual property, and compliance. *No eagles or lawyers were harmed in the making of this web page.

However, I wouldn't like to see the same copy on the website of my bank...

It's important that you understand your audience and where your customers come from. Is your traffic only from English-speaking countries? If not, have in mind that foreigners may not speak English well enough to understand your humor. Sometimes it's better to stay clear.

Always good. Just try to avoid it on funerals.
Well, if the tone of voice in which you decided to communicate with your audience allows you to make jokes – make them. It adds uniqueness and zest to your content.
Personally, I chuckle at sarcasm in articles -- however -- I wouldn't recommended it as it can be offensive if not taken in context with a selling message.

However, years of experience in selling have taught me if you can get the customer laughing you will have a good chance of closing the sale. Finding common ground for a joke or a moment of mirth is not that hard when you are in a customer's home or office. This is a known technique on the path to lessening buyer resistance -- Sales 101.

On the Internet, the in situ environs are much less personal so it's hard to find some common ground one on one.

Graybeard, Jan 11, 2018
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Much as we say everyone loves a good laugh, it'd be interesting to see what different statistics has to say. Humour is not only product- or niche-specific but also culture-specific. Different cultures appreciate different kinds of humour, i.e. slapstick vs wit vs sarcasm vs farce vs...

Yet, my hunch is with the net making us one homogenous citizens, our tastes are turning similar. Hence, I would use it, but not to the extent it makes my brand sound frivolous...
It depends on your niche and target audience. If you have selling landing page, then humor can attract users to the keywords or to the main goal of the page ot to buy something. But the humor has to be intelligence and good, don't use banal humor or offensive. It has to be relevant.
Silliness is a useful asset. At the point when humor is utilized out in the open talking it can help the speaker in exchanging his/her message in an important and incredible way. Cleverness benefits open talking in the accompanying ways:

It makes the subject all the more fascinating.

It helps in memory maintenance.

It eases worry in the speaker and group of onlookers.
Your landing page is what sells you to your site's visitors. Whether to use humor or not solely depend on your niche. Humor in a very serious professional niche would make your potential client to doubt your level of seriousness. For some niches however, you can lure traffic with a humorous landing page
I think it depends on your target audience and its age. If you want to sell products for young people, it's completely okay. But I doubt that people 50-60+ will like humor.
All I have to say on this matter is squatty potty.

Literally it's humor that pushes the limits, and most of the marketing team at the company was not on board with the entire idea of that unicorn commercial... but, it was a raging success, going viral, the video I linked has 37 million views. The follow up video that the company who made this put out explains some of that process of how they just decided to go for it and see what happened.

You can check out their youtube channel, I mean yeah... they were already a company that works around a very taboo subject, but a little "toilet humor" put them in the rich bin.
All I have to say on this matter is squatty potty.

You can check out their youtube channel, I mean yeah... they were already a company that works around a very taboo subject, but a little "toilet humor" put them in the rich bin.

I love Harmon Brothers!

I have started incorporating their methods and tactics into some of my personal biz with great results.

Everyone should pay attention to them!
Humor is such a thing which always may be helpful in case it's used wisely. You can apply humor wherever you want just because people like it. It shouldn't be just an ordinary joke which doesn't suit this particular place. It always should be relevant, appropriate. Of course it can increase conversions. When people see that the product is presented creatively they not only help you to increase sales or conversions, they tell about it their closest and there wil be the word-of-mouth effect. I suppose that it's okay to use humor in places where it's relevant.
Nothing wrong with a bit of humour in copy/content. Just make sure it's not dark humour. Needs to be as light and simple as possible.
I like a sense of wit ...
Unfortunately, most copy is so bland and self serving written by very mediocre people ...
Some of the most successful advertising copy is controversial or humorous -- that is a fact ;)
Humor is a very suble thing when it comes about online business. In most of the cases, the writer's sense of humor leaves much to be desired and it drives readers away. However, it can be outstanding if it is used correctly. So, if you confident about yourself, go ahead and try it out.
Definitely it attracts attention! It helps increasing the conversion rate, but -for sure- it depends on the niche and on the targeted audience.

✿ Samira ✿
Depending on your TA and what you sell. In classic marketing, there are very few companies who sell goods through humor (the only example is probably just burgerking), but you need to conduct a/b tests and then you can be sure