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Is there any way to start home business?


New Member
Hi! I am a housewife and very enthusiastic to start any kind of home business, so that I can also earn something to run extra things which are necessary but are out of my budget. Can anyone help me for doing this? I need detailed information for starting it. Any help will be appreciated.
Sure their is. First you need an idea. I would say, think of something you would like to do, as that will keep you motivated at all times. Most of the people who start up sites, stores, anything online, tend to fail because they do it 100% for the money, rather than even 75% for the money and 25% for the love, or interest in it. To tell you the truth, i am like an addict when it comes to my business, i cant let it go, and love it so much, its like entertainment to me..and thats what keeps me dedicated and motivated. Here are some idea's i could help you with to get started:

1) You could possible start an online store either a website or on ebay, selling any type of product. Either by dropshipping method or buying products in bulk and selling them individually (My younger brother who's 20 does this and makes around $4000-$5000 a month)

2) You could go into learning affiliate marketing, as its huge right now. Create a site or blog (write about what you would feel interests you) and make money doing it.

These are just some examples though. Hopefully this will help you out ;)
If you are totally online business-illiterate, I would suggest you to read some sticky threads in this forum.

You should then start a Blogger blog just to get the feel of writing for the Internet instead of just grabbing a domain and start writing and promoting products as an affiliate because you will not know how things work. Meanwhile, you can always ask questions and participate in forums which you can ask questions or just follow an ongoing discussion to learn more about online business.

Since you are a housewife, I bet you have a lot of things in your house which your family have not probably even touched for the last couple of years. You know what? Put those stuffs on eBay and start making some money. Woot! You got your online business going!

Good luck and all the best in your online business venture. :)
Sure you can start a home business! The very fact that you have found this forum means you are heading in the right direction!;)

I would highly recommend reading all the stickys in this forum and learn about blogging and squidoo.

These are the two best FREE ways to get your online business going.
Good Idea

Starting a home business is a good idea of investing both the time and money in a right a way. You can select the Business based on your interest and time you can spend in that business.Sometimes it can be started as a part time business also.:)
Home Based Businesses can be very successful if the right time and effort and put in to learning what you need to do, and then applying what you learn!

First and foremost, I suggest reading through the sticky threads especially here in the Newbie section. This Forum contains a wealth of information to help get you pointed in the right direction.

Second, you want to decide upon the niche market you think would be a good fit for your business.

Then simply follow the steps outlined in creating a site, creating good quality content that fits in line with your niche, and start promoting in the many different ways available to online marketers!
I always think for a 100% newbie that you join an already pre-exisiting business, like an affiliate program, rather than just try to start a brand new one.

I think a blog is a real good start, also try, they make it really, really, really easy to start talking about things online.

and don't listen to people who say you have to spend a fortune to get started - there are tons of free and almost-free programs on the net

go for it!!!

Good idea

You have a good idea of starting an home based business by making use of your leisure time at home.There many websites that are available to guide you to select and run the business based on your interest.
Hello, nowadays home businesses are becoming very popular because of unavailability of jobs or may be due to the comfort that goes with them and these are really becoming very popular in housewives. There are many ways to start earning income online.

Hope that you will be successful in this.
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Hi! I am a housewife and very enthusiastic to start any kind of home business, so that I can also earn something to run extra things which are necessary but are out of my budget. Can anyone help me for doing this? I need detailed information for starting it. Any help will be appreciated.

hi marktim...may i know what drives you to home business? what type of home business in your mind right now?what is your need and wants? what is the urgent problems you're trying to solve?

I hope you will not mind telling me more info so we can help you :)
A blog will get you going - apart from marketing products there as an affiliate, you will also be able to receive cash for banners and/or AdSense ads.
I think the best home business to start with minimal investment is to build and establish an ebay store / ebay shop. Try to start with dropshipping and later sell ur own products!