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Is this allowed


New Member
Telephone numbers in ads.

I noticed one of our competitors adwords ad has a call to action to "Call telephone number" giving their number. It seems an obvious ploy to get people to call rather than click through.
Do google allow this? This will be surprising if really is allowed!!!
So its allowed but not really effective probably because people searching on the internet are much more in a 'click to learn mode', than a 'phone to learn' mode.

Thanks for your response
I myself put contact number on my ads. I think that will be more helpful to make a direct contact from your future clients or for inquiries.:dance2:
Hi, i am also running adword and given my no in Description to allow people call me.
It just help people as after visiting your site and finding it appropriate for the purpose they entered the site, they can call you up and talk directly to you rather than to send you a query or may be possible they sent you a query and calling you as well.
For business purpose

For business purpose,it is important to give phone number.
I always thought this wasn't allowed. If you want to see how effective it is use a unique number - they are very cheap. Also if you click through rate goes down doesn't your cost per click go up?