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Is this bad "on-site" SEO?


New Member
Just wanted to ask whether this will be classified as bad seo?

suppose i want to target the keyword "sauce"

so i enter my meta keywords as "sauce, sauces, red sauce, red sauces, sauce red, sauces red, black sauce, black sauces, chilly sauce, sauce chilly, chilly sauces, soy sauce, soy sauces - etc etc

will i be punished for using repetitive terms? or is this allowed?

any feedback will be appreciated!
Google COMPLETELY ignores the meta keywords anyhow, so you are wasting your time. Your keywords meta content should reflect the content on the PAGE not on the site anyhow, so I doubt you would have all those phrases in there in the real world anyway.
You mean to say if i were to write 0 0 00 0000 in the meta keywords or even leave it blank - my page will be thought of as a "sauce" page by the frequency of the the word "sauce - sauces- red sauce- chilly sauce" - that i write in the page content!

so all i have to do is to incorporate as many sauces as i can - in an intelligent way in my page content & make it readable -and that will be enough! all i have to do is to incorporate as many sauces as i can - in an intelligent way in my page content & make it readable -and that will be enough!

Yes that's right and I highlighted most important moments in your quote...
This doesn't mean one need to fill the single page with all possible keywords related to sauces. you need to classify the contents of your pages i.e. a red chilly sauce page, green chilly sauce page and so on.. ;)
Concentrate on the main scoring zones within EACH page. Do not paste into the Head site wide.

So start by focusing the visible content Text that is contained within sections/paragraphs of the page HTML then tailor the Title then HTML Description followed by Headings (H1, H2 etc as per W3C document Structure) to reflect what the page is actually about. There are many minor areas to address after you have sorted these out. But once you have done the above, let things settle a bit then tweak the minor fidly bits.

Incidentally, targetting a single word is (or can be) very competitive. Identify the "Sauces" that your product pages describe and go for 3 word search "Phrases". Forget chasing single words. For Example "Hot Chilli Sauce". The more specific the search term (long tailed) the more focused the visitor. Do some research and find the searches that are being made that are relevent to the products and services on your site and chase those.

Many pages that I optimise, never get Keyword Tag filled in. It's the last thing that I think about.
Bifurcate your terms accordingly and then optimize all these pages accordingly for better online visibility.

What do you exactly mean " bi furcate my terms"
do you mean to say make a page on sauce & another on chilly sauce & another on soya sauce etc etc & my " sauces" site is sorted for the world sauce!

that is what i have been doing & trying to do!