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Its my revenue in this year - 2019 ($593k++)


Affiliate dead already?
Not for me, this is my revenue, still from affiliate marketing.
traffic source facebook.
affiliate wont dead if you can adapt in all contitions..

Congrats, that's awesome! :)

Others have asked some questions that I'm curious about, too.

A few great ones:
  1. How did you learn affiliate marketing?
  2. What did you do differently in 2019 that made you more money online?
  3. Your biggest takeaway from 2019?

\/ Not really my business, just saying that I hope you paid your taxes, too.
I hope you paid all of your income taxes

what's your profit?
Just curious.

Hopefully, you'll come back and answer them. Either way, congrats!
Awesome results, @qrezl!

Just want to know how long have you been doing affiliate marketing via paid traffic route to achieve this result. And what is the key ingredient you think that lead to your success. Cheers! Hope you can answer these questions.
Well I hope you paid all of your income taxes because you have made that amount public -- I would be expecting a tax audit in the new year ..

;) Thinking exactly same thing
Always expect visit from The Man
When I go above $10k you getting post-audit reports !!
Revenue is cool and all, but what's the profit? What's the rentability of your business?
Totally agree with your comment msulcs.

'Revenue is Vanity and profit is Sanity'.

I know some companies that have recorded revenues in the millions but whose profits are no more than the average salary of a working man/woman.