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“Adavice”/  “CPA

I've $500, where to start and what to do?

At least $150, you can break even cpa campaigns for sure.

I'm not sure you ever had experience with CPA or not yet. What i recommend is... research for the free tools (CDN, Tracking software, Spy methods) at least for using in the first month.

if you don't know how to use these tools, watch Youtube first and try to understand it asap. Because if you have limited days for free, you should make the most of limited days. If it is 30 days limited, don't spend 15 days to just research and learn. Learn faster. So the best choice is watch Youtube until you got it and then register, launch campaign in the first 1-3 days.

After you have everything ready for launching campaigns, ask you Affiliate Manager for the offers to launch and ask him/her for creatives to try.

Spend only $5 budget a day at first... if the offers convert itself, you'll see at least few conversions fast.
Split test creatives to see what makes best conversions and try to keep Conversions rate before scaling it up. Your first goal in any campaigns should be break even then profitable will come later.