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Journey, 0-$$$$ Informational Site


Hello everybody, I've been active on this forum for a little while now and recently have been thinking about starting a journey thread to help keep me on track and share some experiences with others and create some accountability. :)

I was learning PPC before this and had some luck with Microsoft Ads and Clickbank, but due to my monetary disability I couldn't keep running campaigns as the commissions don't get paid out every day and I have a tight budget, so I thought I'd build a website and try to rank, fully white hat.

What I've done so far:
Set up a website, got a domain.
Written an article with ~1500 words.
Submitted sitemap to google search console and gotten website indexed.
Learnt the fundamentals about SEO, read case studies and "What I wish I knew before I started" postings.
Researched and still researching keywords to write about.

Right now I'm using a bunch of different keyword tools, each of them shows a different difficulty and stats, the only somewhat consistent stat is volume.

I'm already getting a little traffic which I'm guessing is either from some kind of bots or old people typing my somewhat generic domain into their search bar.

Made a playlist with ambient music to help me focus. :D

My strategy is that I try to answers questions that nobody has answered, even in forums or Reddit, Quora, etc.
These questions are about products, from people trying to find some specific product.

I have about 4 articles planned up right now and I'll try to push out at least one per day, depending on the competition, if they have a 1500 word article, I'll write a better one with 2000 words which will probably take more than one day for me due to me still being in school and having a part time remote job.

I think some of my old keywords have articles written by the biggest competitors about something relating to, but not targeting the exact keywords, so I don't know if I could beat them.
On the first page of SERPs I don't even see that exact keyword being targeted despite the large volume, so I'm guessing it's pulling it from some variation of that keyword.

Making my website as least annoying as possible, I get annoyed a lot on the internet by a lot of website, this forum is great in that sense because every time I come here I don't see 5 pop ups on every side of the screen asking me for something and I don't see an Ad covering the entire screen every time I move my mouse.

In my past I used to procrastinate too much before starting, basically allowing my brain to make excuses and justifying why I shouldn't do it, so I decided that I'll just do it.

Right now I'm signed up with Amazon Associates, as traffic goes up I'll try to get into Ezoic, was thinking about AdSense at first, but thought that a dollar a month wasn't worth the UX penalty.
I'm probably going to sign up for CJ too when I have some traffic.

Tools I use:
Chrome Plugins:

Keywords Everywhere
Moz Bar
SEO Minion
Keyword Surfer
Keyword Research:
Mangools KWFinder
Keyword Shitter

Answer The Public
Google Trends
Hemingway Editor

(I know that's a lot of tools, as time goes I'll cut down on them as I see what works the best.)

Make at least some money, hopefully at least $3000 by the EOY 2021
Would be better If I could make that until summer '21, but If I don't at least you'll see if I finish school.
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Good for starting a thread, positive step
Its just like you say "accountability"
Not to anyone else, just yourself
(You can't fool your own bank balance)

Answering unanswered questions?
That's good, identify volume for ROI
Plus products that help solve the problem
Also you will enjoy it & learn

Is it your target --> $3000 on 12.31.21?
You need to average $7.50/day

SEO is good idea
Focus on giving best answer
You will rank in search
Track your rankings (very important)
Good for starting a thread, positive step
Its just like you say "accountability"
Not to anyone else, just yourself
(You can't fool your own bank balance)

Answering unanswered questions?
That's good, identify volume for ROI
Plus products that help solve the problem
Also you will enjoy it & learn

Is it your target --> $3000 on 12.31.21?
You need to average $7.50/day

SEO is good idea
Focus on giving best answer
You will rank in search
Track your rankings (very important)

Do you meassure ROI in my time, somehow calculating my hourly pay?
That's the target, I hope it comes earlier, but it could also come later, we'll see.
I can see the rankings on search console right?
You are investor of your time
ROI is what you get for your time

Your goal -->
$3k in 14 months
= $215/month
= $52/week
= $8/day

Be clear how much time you spend to earn $8/day?

You can see average position on GSC
Better use a ranking tool
Semrush has a trial
You can track 500 keywords for free
You are investor of your time
ROI is what you get for your time

Your goal -->
$3k in 14 months
= $215/month
= $52/week
= $8/day

Be clear how much time you spend to earn $8/day?

You can see average position on GSC
Better use a ranking tool
Semrush has a trial
You can track 500 keywords for free
If I put in all of my effort, I'd probably see much bigger numbers than my goal, yeah I have the Semrush trial, but on it all keywords seem to be hard, even the ones where the SERP only has amazon links and 5 year old forum questions.
Keyword difficulty is different on most tools
Don't make it an excuse, I made this mistake
No website is safe from the best answer
Keyword difficulty is different on most tools
Don't make it an excuse, I made this mistake
No website is safe from the best answer
Yeah, I feel like I'm overthinking again so I'll just write a few articles for the keywords each tool says are low competition, then I'll try to evaluate which is the most accurate for me and why.
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Yeah, I feel like I'm overthinking again so I'll just write a few articles for the keywords each tool says are low competition, then I'll try to evaluate which is the most accurate for me and why.

Good method is this
Publish your content
See in Search Console if 'impressions' going up
When its going up you near oil (un-tapped content)
Then strike !!!!
Update #1

Started writing the second article, one section on my sitemap in google console which wasn't working is working now.

For some reason, I have crawl anomalies and 404s on some weird pages with random letters, dating back to spring, 2019. Keep in mind I bought this domain like a week ago so I don't know why they are there.

Also on my index, the article, which is a post isn't ranked, I don't know why. The rest of the pages are, but this post isn't, could it be because it's a post?
see error code 410 List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia
you need to send 410 Gone to stupid googlebot/bingbot or it will never take those pages off the list
you have to map those requests in the server conf if you are using nginx --with apache2 you may be able to do this in the site's .htaccess
410 Gone: Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.
I had a similar problem after I removed pages that had been previously indexed

There may be a way to send a 410 header in php for just those pages ... never used this but this will need to be on an .php page
so if they are just html
[a-Z].html >301>410.php>410

Something as simple as this is better than nothing:
header("HTTP/1.0 410 Gone");
The requested page has been removed.
see error code 410 List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia
you need to send 410 Gone to stupid googlebot/bingbot or it will never take those pages off the list
you have to map those requests in the server conf if you are using nginx --with apache2 you may be able to do this in the site's .htaccess
410 Gone: Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.
I had a similar problem after I removed pages that had been previously indexed

There may be a way to send a 410 header in php for just those pages ... never used this but this will need to be on an .php page
so if they are just html
[a-Z].html >301>410.php>410

Something as simple as this is better than nothing:
header("HTTP/1.0 410 Gone");
The requested page has been removed.
Oh god this is too advanced for me. :D
The problem is search engines will demote websites with many 404s
So, it really matters if you have many 404s when you are working towards SEO organic referrals.
see error code 410 List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia
you need to send 410 Gone to stupid googlebot/bingbot or it will never take those pages off the list
you have to map those requests in the server conf if you are using nginx --with apache2 you may be able to do this in the site's .htaccess
410 Gone: Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.
I had a similar problem after I removed pages that had been previously indexed

There may be a way to send a 410 header in php for just those pages ... never used this but this will need to be on an .php page
so if they are just html
[a-Z].html >301>410.php>410

Something as simple as this is better than nothing:
header("HTTP/1.0 410 Gone");
The requested page has been removed.
How do I access those pages lol? I didn't even make them.
Plesk is a server management program --never used it --seen it years ago
HTTP is the webserver that 'talks', better said:sends the HTTP data to the browser. **

you have to make phantom redirects or actual pages that are blank.

if you use apache2 you will have a .htaccess file in the root directory
301 Redirect with mod_rewrite or RedirectMatch
maybe Redirect 410 will work I have used nginx for 10 years now

If you use nginix you need root to edit the server files
If you do not have root you need to make that file and use a meta refresh
How to use Meta Tag to redirect an HTML page? - GeeksforGeeks example
to > 410.php as above
Is this for soft 404s?
Plesk is a server management program --never used it --seen it years ago
HTTP is the webserver that 'talks', better said:sends the HTTP data to the browser. **

you have to make phantom redirects or actual pages that are blank.

if you use apache2 you will have a .htaccess file in the root directory
301 Redirect with mod_rewrite or RedirectMatch
maybe Redirect 410 will work I have used nginx for 10 years now

If you use nginix you need root to edit the server files
If you do not have root you need to make that file and use a meta refresh
How to use Meta Tag to redirect an HTML page? - GeeksforGeeks example
to > 410.php as above
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--seen it years ago
Same for Webadmin

What should I do?
If your page is no longer available, and has no clear replacement, it should return a 404 (not found) or 410 (Gone) response code.<<< 410 Gone kicks Googlebot in the ass and makes the forever stick

**the first time I needed 410 Gone was a learning curve
But where do I put that code?
Those mystical pages were already automatically excluded by google on my index coverage thingy
This is how those links look like, these are labeled as "Crawl Anomalies" I have also similar ones labeled soft 404s, I have no idea what to do :D


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