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[Journey] $0 to $10,000 per month - Theme Pages (Tiktok, Insta, Youtube, FB Reels) - Follow Along!


New Member
It's about time I got my ducks in a line and started actually sharing what I'm up to again :eek:

Following the exact same strategies, I used about 10 years ago now to bring in over $250,000 in a single year....
Taking a new business from $0 to $100 a day in just 6 weeks (despite being banned left right and center!)

...And more importantly, as a result, helping others make their first money online AND others up to $30,000 a month too.
It's time to try something new!

Hold myself publicly accountable (AGAIN!) and share my journey to success (or failure!)

This time with THEME PAGES

- What on earth is a theme page?

In a nutshell it’s a page that posts content on one single topic (or theme), normally just content taken from other people and then re-purposed and reposted.

- Where are theme pages?
They are all built on social media accounts. So tiktok, instagram (this use to be the main place years ago), youtube (very new with shorts) and now facebook pages with reels too.

The reason we will use these places VS making a blog (a blog could come in later) is they actively help push your content out there to new people…. i.e. do the work to send you free traffic just for posting content.

- Why Theme Pages?

I wanted to find something that was actually…
– SIMPLE (I suck at tech stuff!)

And could actually generate money… After all… money comes from the simple equation of:

Traffic -> Offer -> $$$


Would love for you to follow along too or just shout encouraging abuse from the sidelines :D

Will dissect the blog post (link) down into sections here and keep things updated & hopefully improve what I'm doing with your advice too

So keep an eye out for my profile pic so you don't miss an update if you are following along.

First post in
Inspiration / Theme Page Examples

Came from accounts like this...
- Bio link to affiliate products etc
- Sold for $85 MILLION
- Just setup as a LTD company, sells $1.99 texts/calls (not sure how that works?)

Huge followings on all of these and all being monetized via various methods with super simple and easy content.

You may actually be following these ones or similar yourself... I followed all 3 and then got digging into wtf they were doing / why they continued to post without seeming to make any $$$
How do you make money from just running the social accounts?

Brand sponsorship?
Fantastic question

Here's how it COULD be monetized...

- Creator funds
- Affiliate Products (link in bio to products/services)
- Blog/Youtube Adsense revenue (seen a few do this)
- POD store
- Sponsored posts/shoutouts/stories
- Data (run ads)

Really depends on the niche to which method suits best and how big or small I want to expand the "work" side beyond just the social media posting too

Here's a video I shot recently with an example that better explains the monetization side with a mixture of all of these methods too...
Part 3 Is Up...

Link to full blog post: Theme Page Millionaire – The Setup – Part 3

In this one we go over the account setups
Content distribution (manually doing this takes wayyyy too long for the scale I want to run at)
The MOST important step in setting up your accounts!


And what niches I'm going to go after too.

I've been busy testing, researching and trying to break the Tiktok Algorithm too (woops!)

As everyone has been saying "you can't just re-post other people's content"........ So I had to prove everyone wrong right:D

So far stats are looking really good!

Also debunking the myth that you can't just re-use the same video backgrounds over and over again

So far both with stock footage (yep, the stuff EVERYONE is using online) VS my own footage from my camera... has absolutely no difference on views.

Most of this has been posted up in the group but will drop some screenshots below

By no means 1000's of views, but I'm going after niches that aren't mass appeal

If you want millions of views.... go after celebs, funny, news, controversy or everyday lifestyle.... stuff everyone can relate to.


First video
5.6 MILLION views

They took a previously viral video, edited it with subtitle text + image cuts and BOOM!

Re-making a previously viral video = almost guaranteed success


This takes time
A LOT of time!

My approach is the quick and dirty in and out
Fast content
Fast posting
Scale quickly

BUT! Keep it niche specific, so that the traffic I get is actually going to convert to sales too.... VS just a load of views!
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