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Backlinks are still valuable, but their value has diminished somewhat over the years. In the early days of the internet, backlinks were incredibly valuable. They were seen as a vote of confidence from one website to another, and they were an important factor in helping a website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). These days, Google and other search engines place less emphasis on backlinks when determining how to rank websites. That's not to say that backlinks are completely worthless - they're still a valuable part of SEO - but they're not as important as they once were.

Welcome to 2005 :p
Post any proof you have that this is current (this year)
here are some samples of 'linkbuilding'

It gets worse looking at a sample of 400 domains in the same ranking range


Maybe, the are all guest posts or forum posts :D
Data from last month Majestic (scrapper bot) MJ12

This data is subjective when looking at a single domain (may not be accurate) but in aggregate it is relational and a cloase average of the entire database <--caveat
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I find that the seed phrase will influence the AI work product a lot. I "hired" my own AI guy, he's literally a machine.

I gave him the seed phrase "I want to be a millionaire". He then proceeded to generate a work product that was mostly a list of ways to make money. Some of the ideas were creative and showed an understanding of my desires, while others were more mundane and focused on things like earning more money through investment opportunities or developing new skills that could lead to a higher paying job.

Overall, I was impressed with the work product my AI guy generated. While it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, it showed that he was able to understand my desires and come up with some creative ideas for achieving them. If I had been more specific with my seed phrase, I'm sure he would have been able to generate an even better work product.

As it is, I'm still considering some of his ideas and I'm confident that with a little more refinement, I can use my AI guy to help me achieve my goal of becoming a millionaire.

AI with a twisted sense of humor :D

the seed phrase:
I "hired" my own AI guy, he's literally a machine. However I find that the seed phrase will influence the AI work product a lot.
'He' could ask Googlebot for a date --is Googlebot a she?
serious cat GIF

Work on content quality with a conversion goal --go to play around with that.
Seems the deleted pages were worth little as the CTR from search got better without them.
When the 800 referrals a month result in 10 or 20 sales ;)
Unfortunately, trying to SEO a site seldom works out in the long run.

When traffic drops that radically --something is very wrong.

Site or brand loyalty is very difficult to attain. If and when attained, then SEO can build better traffic.
but I did learn a lot along the way.
That may end up mattering the most to you in the long run ;)