This thread is becoming non-productive Temi, I suggest we close it now.
Closing the thread and called it non-productive is really non-professional because it look like people here are only protecting one side of the people without looking/considering others side. We had spent 1 month and can you imagine how much work is that?.
Hi temi,
I does not matter if the sponsors are funding or not. Forget about the Prize money, you can do one thing at this moment, let this contest run and just announce the Winner on due date.
Do remember money is not every thing.
Sure, money is not everything but if this seo is mainly for fun, the organizer has to make it clear at the first place.
What annoyed me is hxxp://
Temi changed the link from
For me, it is really an intention because why Temi changed it and don't even bother to reply on this thread?
And why did TEMI change the rules knowing this seo contest is canceled.