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OKAY, I am not sure what is going on but OVERTURE never works, their site is ALWAYS down, I have been trying to log on for 5 days, ONCE I got lucky and got results but after that every time I try to open the site and I get problem loading page error from browser, site is busy or unavailable? This is both for the bid tool and keyword tool

Now I use google to analyze, but overture was so much better. Google kind of sucks or maybe I am using it wrong.

Is there another site with these tools? :eek:
Thanks Linda

I just found that actually by searching google, how ironic!

That wordpress does it show the competition? Or is it just the suggestion of keywords. In my understanding that there are keyword tools that suggest keywords in a subject that people are searching and then there are the competition type search like Google Adwords where you can see what the competition is for your subject? Is that correct??

There's so much....I'm getting a headache
"That wordpress does it show the competition?"

Think you mean Wordtracker - it only shows you estimated searches so gives an indication of how popular a phrase is.

Best way to judge competition is to Google in this format:
allintitle: "main key phrase" in quotes.
Yes I meant Wordtracker

Yes I meant Wordtracker....SEE?? I'm losing it!!!
I got 15 tabs open in my browser with all the article links I got from you guys, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

In Google? I'm sorry, I am not clear, which google tool are you referring to? I've been using the Google Adwords Keyword tool, but I think you are referring to something else?

PS a little off topic but I earned a whopping $2.04 today from Google adsense ads in my HUB page...YIPEEEEE!!!;)
It's OK I lose it all the time! :p

Yippee on the commish!

I mean just going direct to Google - no tool.

So here is a Google search for allintitle: "affiliate marketing"

allintitle: "affiliate marketing" - Google Search

752,000 competing pages with "affiliate marketing" in the meta title.

However if you search without title and without quotes - affiliate marketing has 15.4 MILLION!

15 million is how many have the term anywhere in the page so could only be a slight mention on some obscure site so not really competition that would be hard to beat if you are optimizing for the term. If it's in the title it's more serious competition because the page is either being optimized for that term or the whole page/article is about it. So that gives you a better picture of how competitive it really MAY be.

More obvious example allintitle: "green widgets" only has 37 competing pages because it's not a real product and not something anyone would really search for, so hardly anyone has it in their title or is writing articles about it.
However if you search for green widgets (no title no quotes) it shows 6.7 MILLION competing pages. Most of those pages aren't competition for the term at all, just have those 2 words somewhere on the page - they arent really trying to rank for it.

Make sense?
That makes sense

Oh yeah that makes total sense, I did not know that, another invaluable piece of info form you...

Is there a handbook with this kind of info, like the difference between quotes and no quotes for searching?
The link was great and has great search tools but little details like the one you shared can really help micro manage and they aren't mentioned.

Thanks again!!:D
Some search terms


I'm sure hoping you picked up on what Linda said in her excellent post. Her first line that is. Using old data could really set you up for disaster.

Overture has not been supported by Yahoo since January of last year. That means that any data you're looking at is over a year old. It's a good tool to use for brainstorming ideas but that's about it. Frustrating isn't it! :mad:

I too got real confused about what to use for search terms, but I did find a blog post last summer that helped me sort things out.

7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing | Marc and Angel

Please notice that there are 75 comments to the post and many of them have some great tips as well.

Hope this helps!
Good points Linnie. Always a good idea too like you said to read the comments in really good blog posts by people that are respected and have a good following. Sometimes you can find a gem from someone in the comments that's worth even more than the post.