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Kind of surprised at how bad this first campaign went


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm totally new to this but I did a ton of research and lurking around forums before actually starting a campaign and I was honestly kind of surprised at how awful this first campaign is going.

As you can see in the attached image, my CTR is atrocious. I'm running an iPhone7 giveaway offer on a RON popunder campaign on Popads targeting iOS and Android in Australia with a higher then average bid to gather data. I'm not running adult traffic and I've blacklisted a few categories that were taking up a lot of the budget but not producing any clicks. The lander is a pretty standard quiz type lander with entry and exit pops to prime the user as well as let them know what they need to do on the actual offer page after they've finished my quiz. It looks like an Apple page and I was actually surprised it got approved. I've got a couple angles going:

1. You've won a chance to get a free iPhone7...
2. You've been selected for testing...

Is anyone having any success with these iPhone 7 offers on pop traffic still? The lack of clicks is perplexing. My landers are hosted on a VPS behind a CDN so speed shouldn't be a huge problem but they do take about a second to load according to some speed tests. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Actually that CTR is pretty much on the average with pops. What other data did you gather? I can see with a bit of work you can go green with that campaign.
at least you know that the offer converts .
now Just add many angels, and keep Testing other angels .
what you say?
Do people ever post lander links in here for advice? I have no problem doing this as long as it's allowed.

You need to have ten posts before you can add links. For today, just put the link in like this: hXXp://yourlink(dot)com.

As for landers for iPhone7 landers, don't worry about your getting ripped, they always do anyways with landers like this. In fact, @tyoussef loaded 1 or 2 up here in the forum as freebies.
You need to have ten posts before you can add links. For today, just put the link in like this: hXXp://yourlink(dot)com.

As for landers for iPhone7 landers, don't worry about your getting ripped, they always do anyways with landers like this. In fact, @tyoussef loaded 1 or 2 up here in the forum as freebies.

Ah ok, cool. Mine is a rip anyway (with slight changes, sorry to whoever made this originally) which is part of the reason I'm surprised at how bad it's performing. This "iPhone tester" angle is performing slightly better then the other angle which is just like "congrats you've won something". Using the brackets and trying to obfuscate the link didn't work so I'll just have to post a few more times I guess.

@T J Tutor: on a side note it looks like upgrading accounts doesn't remove the 10 post minimum like it says it's supposed to. Not a big deal but just FYI. I have access to the verified lounge though so I know the upgrade worked.

@lumeire, Popads has a ton of tokens (is that what they're called) which passes all kinds of data into Voluum but I'm afraid with so few clicks it's really impossible to see what's working. Maybe I just need to collect more data? How much do you guys usually have to spend on a new campaign like this to collect enough data to start making decisions?
www (dot) yourguaranteedwin (dot) com/au/freeiphone7/lp-1/

sorry for the obfuscated link but that's the only way I could get around the 10 post restriction (I even upgraded my account).
@T J Tutor: on a side note it looks like upgrading accounts doesn't remove the 10 post minimum like it says it's supposed to.

The upgrade does not say that it removes the ten post rule, but It's a good idea. I'll see what I can do.

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www (dot) yourguaranteedwin (dot) com/au/freeiphone7/lp-1/

sorry for the obfuscated link but that's the only way I could get around the 10 post restriction (I even upgraded my account).

It's too generic and too complicated. It doesn't "POP". Also, you have to improve the the overall appearance.
Thanks @T J Tutor, I'll try to come up with another variation on the LP tonight. I have some stuff I can pass into the landing page to "personalize" it more for the user.

By "complicated" do you just mean too wordy and not straight to the point? Or do you mean too technically complicated with the entry and exit pops and the "analyzing results" sequence? I was basically going for the feeling like this pop up came from Apple so the design was kind of minimal. I'm also running this only on mobile traffic where it looks a little better in general.
Thanks @T J Tutor, I'll try to come up with another variation on the LP tonight. I have some stuff I can pass into the landing page to "personalize" it more for the user.

By "complicated" do you just mean too wordy and not straight to the point? Or do you mean too technically complicated with the entry and exit pops and the "analyzing results" sequence? I was basically going for the feeling like this pop up came from Apple so the design was kind of minimal. I'm also running this only on mobile traffic where it looks a little better in general.

Do a Google search for "iPhone7 Giveaway" and click on the images option at the top of the search results. You will see loads of very simple and compelling LP's that are good for Pops. There will be a mix of others that are just too complicated with many that are simple but compelling. It's the simple but compelling types that you want as examples to draw from.