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King and Queen of SEO


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There are a lot of myths when it comes to SEO. There are however two main areas of your website you may want to pay particular attention too!

Content is Queen -
The second most important SEO aspect of your site is the actual content which is within it. It is imperative that it is not only displayed semantically, but that has enough keywords in there which directly relate to your site.

Backlinks are King -
Yes, this is the main factor that Search Engines use when they decide where to place your website. The more relevant backlinks that your site has the higher it will be placed in Search Engines. However, not just any backlinks will do! Try to obtain backlinks with sites that are also relevant to your website and Search Engines will decide that your website contains relevant information.
this is really great idea,,,,these two thing are really important for getting your website in high ranking... this is really great to have better outcome, and bring your website in top position..
Content is indeed important and links are very important -

Heres the thing -=

Lots of links and no content = your site will rank for strange words not targetted at all

Lots of good content no links - probably a lost cause, you wont get any traffic

Lots of BOTH - rank well for targetted keywords, traffic and Conversions!