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landing pages


New Member
hi , a couple of questions please ,
1. is a landing page a one page web site ?

2. is a " universal " landing page or web site a possiblity.

why i ask the last question is , a week or so ago i was sent by mail an interview with a very successful email marketer here in Australia. it turned out that she had 335 web sites going and i found out later that she had built them all herself.
assuming i cannot build a web site , how could i possibly pay to have 335 built ?
hypothetically if i had say 10 totally different items for sale on the net, i would need 10 web sites?, but if i had a universal site , one that only required the name and the text / content altered ( i can definately alter the text my self in both joomla and wordpress ) , the payment options would be common , this would be a big help , is it feasible ? thank you , donar
1. A landing page is a page where your traffic most of the time lands on. If that made any sense. That's why it's called a landing page. Most of the time everything the person needs is on that page, all the surveys and lockers also lie within that one page. It's something made especially for easy use, to get better conversion rates.

2. If you want to promote more things than 1 specific item/niche , sure it's possible. But I'd call it a whole website, rather than landing pages.
1. A landing page is a page where your traffic most of the time lands on. If that made any sense. That's why it's called a landing page. Most of the time everything the person needs is on that page, all the surveys and lockers also lie within that one page. It's something made especially for easy use, to get better conversion rates.

2. If you want to promote more things than 1 specific item/niche , sure it's possible. But I'd call it a whole website, rather than landing pages.
hi thanks for your time , so to sum things up , if i want to try say a dozen different items etc , ( and this is only an " if " i do not necessarily want to try a dozen at this time ) i would only need a web site ?
i do not understand these things at all , i assume whoever i paid to built the landing page will know what to do .
i have tried quite hard to have a look at a couple of " sample " landing pages but have not been successful .
if i could ask another question, i have completed a couple of sign up boxes in various affiliate's network sites and they ask , " your web site url " would i not want to know who i was going to become an affiliate for before i paid to have a web site built , i mean what would i put in it if i did not know what i was going to promote, thanks again , donar
A website is the key to everything. It's much more easier for you and also easier from the client-side. Above all, it makes it look professional.

And for the website url, you can put in anything to be honest. You can try writing "None at the moment" ; or just simply leave or I'm not an affiliate site owner but in my opinion, I don't think they care much about what're you going to put in that field.
hi anonymoose for your reply , can you tell me, can i put 2 payment options in a landing page , that is , can i SELL from the landing page ? thanks donar