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Seeking Help Launching new Saas - 80% commission


New Member
Hello, I am new to the forum and I come to ask for your help.

We have developed a new SaaS and we need to get the first customers. We also have an affiliate program and offer 80% of the profit to the affiliate. We can offer that much percentage because our only priority is to get clients, not to get money.

The problem is that we don't know where to find qualified people to use our program. We don't reach people and when we manage to reach these people they don't know how to sell.

What do you recommend?

I don't know if the URL of the program can be published, so I won't do it, but if you want, you can write to me privately.


You're invited to register your business as a resource -- that is a no cost option

Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here.
We have developed a new SaaS
That says nothing--like: for what?
Have you done much (or any) advertising with your own money? Do you have any proof of your platform's viability?

From any affiliate's POV it's about: is this really worth my time, money and efforts.

Contrary to any misconceptions, affiliates are not an `easy free` source of traffic. You need to instill belief in your `product` and its commercial viability for any solid affiliate attention --that is the hard part.

80% doesn't sound credible either. Offer 100% for the first couple of months then 40%-60% thereafter for the life of the customer account or for the first year. 80% is a red flag of desperation to my ear. Any enterprise has to have a cash flow and some operating income to grow.


You're invited to register your business as a resource -- that is a no cost option

Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here.

That says nothing--like: for what?
Have you done much (or any) advertising with your own money? Do you have any proof of your platform's viability?

From any affiliate's POV it's about: is this really worth my time, money and efforts.

Contrary to any misconceptions, affiliates are not an `easy free` source of traffic. You need to instill belief in your `product` and its commercial viability for any solid affiliate attention --that is the hard part.

80% doesn't sound credible either. Offer 100% for the first couple of months then 40%-60% thereafter for the life of the customer account or for the first year. 80% is a red flag of desperation to my ear. Any enterprise has to have a cash flow and some operating income to grow.
I am going to see each URL to see if i can publish me affiliate program.

Our Saas is a software similar to Trustpilot but in our case the reviews are 100% real, verified and immutable. I have used Facebook ads to recruit affiliated people, especially in South America because of the lower price of advertising in the area. But even with about 200 registrations, only two people have taken action in the program.

I will check the percentage, I do not put 100% because in Spain, I have to collect VAT, which in these cases is 21%. If I offer 100% I would have to put 21% VAT. Would you also see it as a red flag to offer 79%? Or say 100% minus 21% VAT?
Then 75% the first $x months then 40% after or something like that (the price is VAT included).
But even with about 200 registrations, only two people have taken action in the program.
5% to 20% in within the norm.
``I have used Facebook ads to recruit affiliated people, especially in South America because of the lower price of advertising in the area. `` You get what you pay for generally ...