The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA


Leadbit team rushes to the airport in full speed!

We will meet with you on Wednesday in warm Bangkok at one of the coolest international conferences - Affiliate World Asia 2018!

We always take part in Affiliate World Conferences and never return without a lot of useful contacts, partners, and connections in the industry worldwide.

More info about conference -

So, here our coordinates:

when: December 5-6
where: Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Center at Premium Booth B15

We will be happy to meet you personally and share individual conditions! We have a lot of useful information, gifts and positive attitude! If you will come tomorrow, then let us know - let's meet at pre-party

Bangkok, meet us!



Here we are with the top offers of mobile subscriptions for November. Check it out!

It wasn’t difficult to choose. There is super demand for mobile subscriptions!




Entertaining content, especially for adults, is 100% hitting in people's interests. We think you already know what and how to promote it!

Promote mobile subscriptions and earn money!


Hello! It’s time for TOP Offers in financial vertical!

Our financial offers are actively stretching to the top and bring a high profit! On top once again offers with payments for a loan. Everyone wants to get money a lot and quickly, so don’t even expect a recession!

Zaymer RU

Before Salary RU

MoneyMan RU

Webbankir RU

CreditPlus RU

Want a lot of money? Don’t hurry! Contact AM and he will help you with the preparation of a reliable ground for promotion. And a little insight: showcases are the most profitable way of working with MFIs. The profit depends on you!

Join us and start promoting our financial offers, before the New Year there will be a REALLY great demand!

Catch your chance!



Adult themes always on the TOP, constantly play with secret desires at all times, especially for men.

The case study for Greece from the Lucky Busters team can be applied to all GEOs without exception because men live worldwide and want to change the size of the instrument or improve the quality of the process

Read the case study in Leadbit’s blog

Catch hot converting offers for different GEOs:

Study the experience of colleagues and take the recommendations of our managers for promotion.

Use, test, take your cash!
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Bible for new webmasters: a guide on making creatives


Are you a newbie? This is definitely a sign for you!

We have prepared for you a bible for new webmasters! We start with the basic part - creatives. You exactly need to take a course for beginners to make profit.

Also, it will helpful for experienced webmasters because it is always good to refresh knowledge, maybe you even will find something new!

Read our guide in Leadbit Blog

In general, the beginners and experienced fighters, you are welcome to our library of knowledge. Soon we announce a guide “How to start with $50 and make profit!”

Choose your favourite type of creative and start testing!


We gathered all our thoughts and emotions after amazing networking on Affiliate World Asia 2018 and ready to share our experience!

Affiliate World Conferences - the largest affiliate marketing conference, which takes place twice a year.

Leadbit team always takes part in AWA 2018 and we are happy to share our impressions with you!

Read AWA 2018 RECAP in Leadbit's blog

p.s. There is a selection of our networking insights, save and use!


Hope you spent this year really productively with Leadbit team, as we did. To warmly congratulate the colleagues and friends, we announce a little pleasant contest on Instagram.

Do you want to grab $ 100? So click here and take part in our contest on Instagram!

Let’s congratulate each other and may this good cheer last throughout this week and the whole year!

Hello, guys!

As you all know well, the best way to get insights is communication with people from industry. It gives you an amazing opportunity to get knowledge from more experienced сolleagues, private information about CPA-community, take part in exclusive events. That’s why we decided to create our own community where you can ask questions and get useful answers.

Meet our new friendly FB Leadbit Group

Also, if Leadbit support doesn’t answer on your question on Skype, Telegram, Live chat (but it’s possible only in case of zombie apocalypses) this group will be like FAQ about work with Leadbit. You can search the group and find any info requested because somebody already asked the same before. If there is no answer, just post your question - we will find the reply together

Brief, the group’s member benefits:
- It’s a comfortable way to contact support besides skype, telegram or livechat
- An announcement of exclusive bonuses for you
- Sharing interesting insights from our partners
- Communication with colleges
- A kind of large FAQ on ad campaigns

Join our FB group meaning stay very close to your AM and get the response to your questions asap, whatever it could be)


It's time for Christmas! Time of miracles!

May this time fill your home with joy and warm, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

Leadbit team wish you have a Christmas that is more merry and wonderful than ever you had. We wish the holiday season end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year.

Merry Christmas!
Leadbit Team


Hello, guys!

Here we are with a new case study from our new project!

Push notification is still popular so we can’t miss the opportunity to take our piece of hype!

Want to know how to test Datspush offers with a small budget? We prepare it for you!

New hot offers + high-quality ad settings = super useful case study!
Read the case study in Leadbit blog

Push the tempo with us!

Hello, guys! Unbelievable news!

We announce again the case studу special before New Year!

Meet 82% of ROI with ARTROVEX PT offer and Instagram as a traffic source!

There are special insights on how to work with the pre-landings and comment cleaning. Scale up your ad campaigns this year!

Be on the wave of huge profit with Leadbit!

TES Affiliate Conference for FREE

Leadbit Team is ready to start a productive year with the TES Affiliate Conference 2019 Lisbon! As we have definitely launched Dating vertical in Leadbit, we have some really EXCLUSIVE deals for you - private offers, unique GEOs etc. So will be there with the newest insights and hacks for datings stuffs.

It will take place from 1-4 March 2019 in Lisbon-Cascais, Portugal.

Some good news for you! Are you Leadbit affiliate? You have a great opportunity to attend the TES Affiliate Conference for free! This will save you the 450 Euro entrance fee at the door - and it will take you less than 5 minutes!

You only need to do the following steps:
1. Visit and read the “Sponsored Affiliate Pass Guidelines” very carefully.
2. If you qualify for a sponsored affiliate pass according to the “Sponsored Affiliate Pass Guidelines” - start registration.
3. In the “I send traffic to” field of the registration form, please MAKE SURE to enter your LEADBIT affiliate link including your LEADBIT Affiliate ID.

That’s all!
If your request was successful you will receive a confirmation e-mail within the next 24 hours.
This offer is valid for affiliates and media buyers.

If you want to meet with someone from the LEADBIT team at the conference, please contact us

We are looking forward to meeting with you in amazing Lisbon-Cascais!

Kindest regards,

Hello, guys!

How is your 2019?

Information is a very important aspect in CPA sphere especially trends, insights, case studies etc. So we prepared for you a digest of useful information which will be helpful in your work.

Read and improve your knowledge on Leadbit Facebook Page!

Hope, this digest will be interesting to you!

Leadbit - do better, be better!

Hello, guys!

We prepared for you an amazing collaboration with our experienced affiliate! We will announce a huge amount of interesting insights from “how to start with $50” to nuances of work which can be useful even for TOP publishers...)

And of course, we are going to share creatives, promo materials and full guide about API settings! Moreover, we prepared useful information about clo@king setting with Keitaro tracker.

Hmm.. Perhaps you are already wondering - who is he, this mysterious webmaster? Meet him: CPA Sharky!

He will tell you about himself in Leadbit Blog

Stay tuned!

p.s. If you have some questions contact him in telegram: @CPAsharky

Hello, we have some good news for you.

Offer Erofertil is open for Albania!

We checked Erofertil requests in GoogleTrends tool. It seems to be on the wave of popularity for a long time. Check results here

Albania is a good GEO for your profit. Competition is low and there is no huge variety of offers. All these facts mean one thing: if you will be the first you definitely will have success

Looking for the squeeze of useful information about GEO Albania, traffic sources and popular websites? Check CPA-digest in Leadbit Blog

Be on the wave of Erofertil in Albania and take cash!

LEADBIT - Best Affiliate Network of the Year. Agree?

Hello, guys! We are taking part in The AffiliateFix 2019 Annual Affiliate Industry Awards

You need to fill the fields with the name of Best CPA network in the survey. Hope it will be Leadbit!

If your cooperation with Leadbit was really fruitful and you agree that Leadbit deserves this title “Best Affiliate Network of the Year”, we will be grateful for your support and appreciate your vote!

Also, you can support our traffic source called DatsPush as “Traffic Source provider of the year”.


The survey is open for voting until February, 11. The results will be announced on February, 18. Take your time and vote!

Thank you for confidence, cheers!


Another year in the life of Leadbit is a new round of development. This year our managers will share hot news and tell you about new verticals that you will see in 2019!
It’s time to introduce you Kseniya Leadbit, our Senior account manager. She knows everything about Nutra by CОD, adult, dating and works more than 2 years in CPA industry.

Today she comes with BREAKING NEWS!
So, we were looking forward to this moment! This year for Leadbit is a year of new cool verticals: Dating and Sweepstakes
A few words about verticals:

No one wants to be forever alone. Many people are actively looking for a soul mate or a pleasant company for meetings. And their desires can come true in our offers, which are divided into adult (for 18+ meetings) and mainstream (for ordinary dating). You can help them and at the same time earn money in the role of Cupid)

Oh, well, who wouldn't want to win an iPhone X or get $1000 for free?
Attractive offers for a free prize. Sounds good, isn’t it? And how much money can take a webmaster on amateurs of quick profit? OF course, a lot..)

As you can see, the verticals are full of money so it would be foolish to miss the opportunity to take it.
Soon we will announce hot offers! Meanwhile, you can ping your AM to test our new verticals privately.

Stay tuned!

Hello, friends!

Do you want more leads, but you don’t know how to do it?
We know how to solve your problem - we are looking for advertisers!

What benefits do you get working with Leadbit?

- timely communication and individual approach

fast feedback, detailed and clear discussion about the conditions of work. If we have traffic for your offer we start work together, if not - we don’t waste your time

- quality and huge amount of traffic

We have a close registration: trusted webmasters work with us all over the world, so quality leads and traffic from unique sources in Europe and Asia are guaranteed

- personal account with transparent statistics and financial flows

- help with creation of landings and pre-landings from Leadbit promo department

Do you interested in collaboration? Register via - international cpa-network

If you want the best quality, work with Leadbit!

Hello, guys!

We announce trends for 2019 a few days ago and promised to tell you more detailed about trends for the 1 quarter of the year. Of course, we don’t forget about TOP offers!

So it’s time to start our article about the most popular themes in CPA industry!

Read what to promote in 1 quarter of 2019 in Leadbit Blog

p.s. You can check trends 2019 for the whole year in Leadbit Blog

We are going to start this week with the traditional TOP offers of the previous month

Check it following the links below

TOP NUTRA in Leadbit


TOP FINANCE in Leadbit

And our new TOP - MIXED offers from different verticals in Leadbit