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lemonads network will close


I see nobody talks about this but lemonads affiliate network will close and I have some money there, I didn't reach the threshold yet but I don't wanna lose my money
I contacted the support no answer, the manager told me she's leaving lemonads and I'll contact an other manager but there is no other manager, so no support no manager, I feel that I'm working with ghosts, btw I still drive traffic to their offers because I want to reach the threshold but no conversions at all more than 500 clicks without any conversions these 3 days
someone work with them too?
They had a resource listing with us for many years starting back in 2017, but suddenly stopped communicating with members in late 2020. At that point I removed their listing. Four of their reps joined over the past four months, but did not re-register the company in our Resources and therefore were not permitted to try and recruit from our members.

Definitely something strange going on there.
exactly, I really like their network and design and how they present offers to us, but I see that they have some problems and I wish they solve them as soon as possible, I have some money there and I wish if they can send it to me because we worked for these $$$ so we appreciate it
I would advise you to stop the traffic imediatly ,why you still send traffic to them ? Firstly they dont give any answer and i dont think you have many chances to get your money