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Link Exchange Strategy?


New Member
Hi guys,

Any specific strategy for link exchanges to boost search engine optimization? I run a dating tips site and have so far been just doing a google search on "dating link exchange" and contacting the big names directly. Is there a more efficient way to get your link around the web?

Well I'm sure you know there are many link exchange scripts on the market that automatically find link exchange partners and send them e-mails. I HATE THESE generic messages.

You can and I recommend you DO use some type of link partner finding software such as (wat I ues and recommend). Then just look for the PR sites you want to exchange links with and ACTUALLY WRITE them a personal link exchange request. Make it appealing to them and tell them what in particular you liked about their site when you visited it.....and don't call them Webmaster find their name.

Yes it does take some time doing this with relevant websites but it definitely pays off. You should also be doing some paid/free directory marketing as well. :)