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Long tail search in google


New Member
Hey guys

need some advise about search in google:

When I search without " like: free milk container - the search returns lets say 20.000 results.
When I search "free milk container" - (with "") search returns 200 results.
Does this type pf search mean that the site is "optimized" for the phrase?

another one:
When I search for a keyword "where to get free milk container" - search returns: no results found for "where to get free milk containers"
Does this mean nobody optimized a site for this keyword phrase?

thx a lot
Non "" means a General search query, Google will show results that it thinks are best suited to your query.

"" means your searching specifically for pages that mention this query in the title, description or page content. It doesn't mean the site is optimized for this keyword or phrase, it just means it appears in full on the site somewhere.

If your search returns no results it means the keyword or phrase is not found on any sites within Googles index. This will very very rarely happen without the ""

Perfect example of how this works

Search term : pokemon go dfkdfsdg = Results still shown
Then try this : "pokemon go dfkdfsdg" = No results
when search with "" just all the result who use the same keyword you search in title or description or URL or in content
when search with intitle:"" will appear just the resut who use the keyword in title
when search with inurl:"" result who use keyword in URL
when search with inanchor:"" mean how many backlinks competitors build using the keyword as anchor text.. and this will give you an idea if your competitors give a value to this keyword or not and here you can conclure the competition value..

another one:
When I search for a keyword "where to get free milk container" - search returns: no results found for "where to get free milk containers"
Does this mean nobody optimized a site for this keyword phrase?
Mean no body use the same keyword in ther page... mean no body optimize her website to this keyword//
sorry for my bad language... i wish if my comment help you
Thx guys for clarification.

Mean no body use the same keyword in ther page... mean no body optimize her website to this keyword//

So it means also that if I would use the same keyword in a page/post, chances are high it would rank in google for the search term?
Thx guys for clarification.

Mean no body use the same keyword in ther page... mean no body optimize her website to this keyword//

So it means also that if I would use the same keyword in a page/post, chances are high it would rank in google for the search term?
As @Marc say: check the keyword in keyword planner and see AMS value: Number of monthly Search
Longtail keywords are also part of natural speech and search for information, which search engines have worked toward implementing into their search algorithms.