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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Long Time Affiliate, Finally Making Push to $100/day Consistently

After plugging away and @RobEnvyus helping me out, I have figured out that I can get some content back but my InnoDB engine transfer will not work to my new host. So I am fully on the path of rebuilding.

Plus, since I blew through my initial budget, I am switching temporarily to "free" traffic methods. I use quotes because free traffic costs a lot of time to create.

It may take me a few weeks to reload my budget for running paid ads, but I am immediately jumping back onto my journey anyway I can - which is using free traffic for a few weeks.

Part of the journey is getting completely knocked out - and getting back up. Stronger, wiser, and with a better host!

@herefornow and I have started chatting about our different approaches, tools we use, and conversion ideas. Another great benefit of AffiliateFix is all the cool people I have met...on the possibly lonely road of AM.

Now that I know I can't get most of my sites back, I will just focus on redoing one campaign at a time.
My plans are:
1. Get main site back up with one campaign.
2. Launch free traffic content.
3. SEO everything.
4. Monitor and keep adding traffic sources.

I expect to be running again by Sunday.

Thanks to everyone for the support!!
I am back and have already launched another campaign using PPV.

Have to admit, getting all of my sites wiped out took the wind out of my sails for a while. Now that I have saved up more money for buying traffic, relaunched on a much better host, added email capture to my campaigns, and tighted up my processes, I am back in business.

My first new campaign will go live any minute now. Not expecting miracles because it is a challenging conversion for this particular niche, but reasonable.

Now that I have my schedule, improved hosting, more experience with my tools, and another budget for ads, I will push to get back up to at least 5 active campaigns the first week. I now know that I need several campaigns going to get a few of them optimized into profit.

Glad to be back on my journey:)
@Maxin... Glad to have you back on the Fix. I've been following your thread from sometime now. You're like the Terminator, just keep pushing through. :cool:
Thanks @vidb , @Acura , and definitely @RobEnvyus !

Stopping posting was a bad move on my part because this group is sort of an accountability partner. Now I am accountable for getting back in the game!

My quick set-up pop campaign on PopCash was a total 0. Not surprised. Just wanted to try a new technique I learned about, but I am not a big fan of the smaller pop networks. I am sure someone is scoring with them, but I haven't.

Getting back to my bread and butter Bing / Adwords / major network traffic starting today.
Once again I got great help from the people here on Affiliatefix. Have some new offers to run, plus some of the other ones I was working with..Went heads down for a few hours to rebuild my main offer site and made significant progress. All of my experience from the site that was wiped out has helped me progress much faster this time. I can see getting all the campaigns I want launched this week.

Part of my program for upping my game was to go through certification studying and testing with the major ad networks (Google, Bing, Facebook..) I thought I knew most of the capabilities of the networks. I was waaaay wrong. After getting through the exams, some pretty challenging, I am much better positioned to save money while getting my campaigns approved consistently. Wish I had done this a while ago.

Making a commitment here to get a campaign going by tomorrow, 6 p.m. I have a ton to choose from and may go with the financial niche that I have worked before.

Anyone else get excited to check states in the morning after you launch a campaign??? I know that I can't wait to see if the skies have parted and the heavens rained $$$$!
I have all the pieces in place to launch my biggest campaign ever as soon as I get a few campaign approvals. I am using a very targeted traffic source with a few great offers. Am expecting significant conversions out of this approach. Will report the results in a few days.
Good Luck @Maxin! Looking forward to you making it rain :D

I think I should start my journey at the fix too... just to get me accountable and get tips from all the ninja's here
Hey @vidb ! Definitely start a journey here or somewhere. Getting the experts, industry guru's like @RobEnvyus , @JakeMA , and a bunch of others to give you tips, help solve problems, and simply support you on what can be a lonely road is absolutely priceless.

I made significant progress once I started posting here and achieved occasional profitability. Now it is time to dominate!

Good luck and get started NOW!
Hey @vidb ! Definitely start a journey here or somewhere. Getting the experts, industry guru's like @RobEnvyus , @JakeMA , and a bunch of others to give you tips, help solve problems, and simply support you on what can be a lonely road is absolutely priceless.

I made significant progress once I started posting here and achieved occasional profitability. Now it is time to dominate!

Good luck and get started NOW!
Took your advice and started my Journey here too... link in the signature section below.

Which Cloud VPS hosting plan did you take from ASO?
After plugging away and @RobEnvyus helping me out, I have figured out that I can get some content back but my InnoDB engine transfer will not work to my new host. So I am fully on the path of rebuilding.

Plus, since I blew through my initial budget, I am switching temporarily to "free" traffic methods. I use quotes because free traffic costs a lot of time to create.

It may take me a few weeks to reload my budget for running paid ads, but I am immediately jumping back onto my journey anyway I can - which is using free traffic for a few weeks.

Part of the journey is getting completely knocked out - and getting back up. Stronger, wiser, and with a better host!

@herefornow and I have started chatting about our different approaches, tools we use, and conversion ideas. Another great benefit of AffiliateFix is all the cool people I have met...on the possibly lonely road of AM.

Now that I know I can't get most of my sites back, I will just focus on redoing one campaign at a time.
My plans are:
1. Get main site back up with one campaign.
2. Launch free traffic content.
3. SEO everything.
4. Monitor and keep adding traffic sources.

I expect to be running again by Sunday.

Thanks to everyone for the support!!

That's awesome @Maxin . Your story made me wanna work harder to achieve my goal in CPA marketing. Just curious, you mentioned free traffic and also SEO. Do you create a website/blog to promote CPA offers?
Hey @raynoldclare and @07knev !
Thanks for the support and stopping by journey.

@raynoldclare Yes, I create full sites for my CPA offers but that could change at any time. I build a major, long term property while trying out PPV, Mobile pops, and every other ad format that I can find with much lighter campaigns that go ad to opt-in to offer, without a full site backing them up. The reasons I am going the major site route is that I want to build a property I can sell on Flippa or something like it, plus I can keep adding different campaigns to one site. May not be the best route but I am sticking with it for now.

@07knev Glad you find my journey interesting. I find that since I have not been posting regularly since I lost my sites, I have not been as productive. I was far more focused when I was on this forum every day. Now that I realized the issue, I am going to hit the afterburners again, post here on my progress, and get busier building new campaigns again.

One of my challenges has been learning how to manage a VPS from SSH without CPanel, softilicious and using Centos. What used to take me minutes now takes me days if I can even get it done! The advantage is that I am learning a lot and will be able to do more sophisticated things with my VPS at lower cost.

Right now my main task is finding out how to get my sites to show up with my new VPS. There is no WWW directory and the Centos-Webpanel I am using isn't pointing me to the right directory. So my domains are showing up 404, not showing on the server.

I know I will solve it, but it is taking more time than I wanted. Once I kick this problem, I can rip..
As @john snow said, you can try

I manage all my VPS via Laravel Forge - Instant PHP Servers cost you $10/month but it's worth. It makes managing your VPS a breeze

Great suggestion. I am going to stick with my Centos-Webpanel and climb the steep learning curve. I am almost there once I properly locate my site files. They should have been inserted by default with Apache, but it did not happen for some reason. I plan to knock it out tonight and move forward with setting up all my new campaigns.
what kind of niche campaigns are you into? Also what kind of traffic you are driving?
For your new ones, Please do explain.
Wow, just discovered this treasure trove. I am going to spend more of my time going through your journey. Thanks for posting it here.