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Looking for a chat software for my site.


New Member
I'm looking for a good live chat feature to compliment my site with. A good friend of mine told me that a chat widget from Chatwing is good in terms of reliability and affordability and comes in with a lot of nifty features too. He actually made me see how good it was and well, he wasn't bluffing on this one. I really need a tool that can give me the ability to communicate with them directly so I could provide them a more satisfying service and the chat widget is what I had in mind. Now, I don't want to sound biased and be too promotional so I want to hear other opinions from people who actually experienced the idea of putting a chat widget (be it with Chatwing or another) on their sites so I could make a better decision. Thanks in advance guys!
Is your website in wordpress interface? If it so have you tried checking out on Flexytalk and FCChat? Maybe it will help you to finalize your needs. Below are the links:

WordPress › FlexyTalk - Live Chat « WordPress Plugins

WordPress › FCChat Widget « WordPress Plugins

I hope I was able to help you out. Good Luck.

I'm looking for a good live chat feature to compliment my site with. A good friend of mine told me that a chat widget from Chatwing is good in terms of reliability and affordability and comes in with a lot of nifty features too. He actually made me see how good it was and well, he wasn't bluffing on this one. I really need a tool that can give me the ability to communicate with them directly so I could provide them a more satisfying service and the chat widget is what I had in mind. Now, I don't want to sound biased and be too promotional so I want to hear other opinions from people who actually experienced the idea of putting a chat widget (be it with Chatwing or another) on their sites so I could make a better decision. Thanks in advance guys!
livezilla is no longer free, this is now paid software, unless your happy using an only version, in witch case, then its free.

Looked it up on google. It says it's a downloadable content program. I'd prefer if it wasn't so complicated when it comes to setting it up. I found others that don't require any downloads - you're simply supplied with codes to embed in your site which is really great btw.

Anyways, thanks for the info guys! It really helped ^_^
I have integrated live2support chat on my website, it really helps me in monitoring visitors and through the real time chat i advise them and solve all their queries. It increases the loyalty of my site.
I am using live2support chat software and it is helping me in my business so would like to recommend to others too.
I used to run a Wordpress blog a while ago, I've used with really great results.

It was easy to use and had few errors. I'd recommend that you check it out.