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Wow that's a lot of great info, thank you. You're right, I am aware of that stuff and the same time its great to get a friendly reminder and refresher, ha. I totally agree about getting the mass amount of data for your media campaign and how expensive it is on Facebook. Case in point, with "his secret obsession" spent hundreds of dollars on ads and only got a couple of sales worth about a$100 .

I researched bots and a little bit of poptraffic, but I don't know enough about it, glad it worked out for you. What tracking were you using to analyze that info? Tens of thousands of clicks to the offer! (WOW) I don't think you're impatient! lol. I though a few thousand impression's was good enough to analyze, hahahha.

Great to hear back from you, appreciate any and all info (despite what I do and don't know ahaha)
Cheers S, thanks again. Martin.
What tracking were you using to analyze that info?

I used a tracker called Kintura, I don't think it's avaliable anymore which is a shame, but mostly they all work the same.

All those campaigns were mobile so the ad would open in a new tab under the users curretly viewed tab. Unintrusive, and the user only see's the ad when they close down the tabs. I don't know if you've ever viewed a mobile popunder but it was good fun playing around with some very visualy bold ad copy.

The tokens I tracked then are pretty much the same, nowadays when i run campaigns I just use more. Although I don't run pop anymore.

{campaignid} - {carrier} - {connection.type} - {language} - {browser} - {os} - {osversion} - {region} - {country}
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Hey S, I'm looking up popunder's, it's seems like the best products to sell are related to the online betting, or iGaming niches. Reading up and watching a few videos on it now. I've used propeller ads before but it was so long ago that I don't even remember for what, seems to remember using it for something like native ads, but could be wrongs. Cheers.
Thank for sharing that, if you don't mind sharing what products were you promoting with pop and popunder?
I don't remember the actual products, I could probably find them again but the chances of them still being any good are probably zero. They were male enhancement products and the horny girls near you type products. They we're great in the begining because you could use tokens to taylor the ad copy to almost the exact users location. Make them feel there was a tinder type club within a few miles and click here to see all the sexy women in your area.

We're you profitable with popunder? Cheers.
Not by a long shot, but I got campaigns in the green. making more money than the ad spend. I got pretty good at that but it's hard to scale with pop traffic, there is a lot of bots, and I didn't really know how to back then. I was lucky if a campaign would make $15 a day profit.
When I stopped using pop I was well over $1000 out of pocket.

But the education was invaluable.

More stuff I'm guessing you know but, selling is selling weather it's your product or someone elses. Most cpa offers just don't pay enough, no matter how good you are a selling, optimizing and scaling you just can't make them profitable. The margins are too small. But you can get some green, when you learn that, and you find the right offer, pay days can be pretty substantial.
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100% agree with everthing you said there, when it comes down to it, it's sticking with the rule of one. Master the one product, one medium or source and scale from there. Get good at tracking and learn as much as you can. Sorry to hear about the $1000 out of pocket but your outlook on it is inspiring. It's similar to what I lost promoting advertising "his secret obsession" on FB, but I looked at it as a learning tool, very valuable, because now all these video that I watch on running FB ads, I know a lot of it now and just continue learning. Cheers S, always great getting info from you and hearing feedback, cheers.