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Affiliates Wanted LosPollos - Global Smart Link Affiliate Program | Weekly Payments | 24/7 Support


We remind you about our iGaming Smartlink - there are more and more unique offers!
This week we advise you to pay special attention to Portugal. Also, the traffic from the USA, Spain and the UK has good results.

iGaming TOP20:

  • Portugal $62.5
  • United Kingdom $46.4
  • Canada $44.3
  • USA $43.6
  • Poland $39.1
  • Australia $37.8
  • France $36.5
  • Switzerland $35.2
  • Spain $34.3
  • Belgium $33.7
  • Greece $28.6
  • Germany $27.2
  • Netherlands $23.8
  • Italy $23.7
  • South Africa $22.9
  • Finland $20.1
  • Romania $18.4
  • Czech Republic $17.6
  • Russian Federation $16.9
  • Turkey $16.5

Funnel improvement on Belgium! We definitely recommend to try this geo: thanks to the new private offers the conversion and eCPM are even better.

Dating TOP20:

  • Australia $89.8
  • Sweden $88.7
  • Denmark $85.3
  • Norway $84.9
  • Belgium $82.6
  • Austria $79.6
  • Switzerland $78.4
  • New Zealand $76.5
  • Luxembourg $74
  • United Kingdom $71.7
  • Germany $67.1
  • Canada $63.2
  • Finland $59.4
  • USA $54.8
  • Netherlands $51.3
  • Czech Republic $47.4
  • Italy $42.8
  • Portugal $40.2
  • France $37.1
  • Spain $34.2