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Seeking Help lost helmsman

Do I have some problems with the use of ADSCORE

I don't know if this setting is correct
Without using a tracker and investigating the IPs and status there really is no way to reach any conclusion without pulling an answer out of your ass.

You could add google analytics to your pre-lander and maybe you could measure the traffic quality and the user affinity for your creatives.
You could also set up the free trial of as a filter to get an idea of the bot and proxy percentages of your traffic.
Now you can evaluate the effectiveness of your OnClick campaigns, using 13 new dynamic tags (aka “traffic tokens”) to track the data that affects your results.

{zoneid} – ID of the ad zone where the ad is displayed
{campaignid} – ID of the campaign
${SUBID} – Unique ID for tracking conversions`
{device} – Model of the user’s device
{browser} – User’s browser
{browserversion} – Version of the user’s browser
{os} – User’s operating system
{osversion} – Version of the user’s operating system
{country} – User’s country in two-letter code
{countryname} – Name of the user’s country
{region} – Name of the user’s region
{isp} – Name of the user’s ISP
{useragent} – User’s raw user-agent
{language} – Language of the user’s browser
{connection.type} – User’s connection type
{carrier} – Name of the user’s mobile carrier

so your link to you tracker is{campaignid}&zoneid={zoneid}&subid=${SUBID}&isp={isp}&[ the others you want to track]

They will not provide the ip these are the tokens
You need to use a tracker or work with you server logs in ssh

The purpose of token is to segment the traffic
the isp would be helpful as would be the connection.type and carrier

The advantage in using your server logs is that they are independent of all the parties, it's rare that IPs are spoofed.
Like I said before, traffic networks, affiliate networks, SaaS Trackers and the end point offer owners, or sponsors, refuse to disclose the IP addresses. There are now privacy laws that prohibit disclosure of this type of PPI to 3rd parties.
However, in your server has logs, that is the way the internet works --users request data from a server and the server responds (sends) the data to the user's address. This is 1st party data.
There are rules about where that can be stored. So far, governments are only pursuing the big fish violators like the top 100 websites; Google, Facebook etc ...

Your own server logs may be at /var/log/apache2 or /var/log/nginx (default)
:~$ ls /var/log/apache2 |grep -v 'gz'
:~$ ls /var/log/nginx |grep -v 'gz'

They may be in custom locations also.

@Graybeard teacher: After this period of operation and reflection, I began to find that I had entered into a misunderstanding and that I had been obsessed with the quality of the flow, which should not be my consideration, because I could not control it. I went after the LP design from the start and put a lot of effort into it, but it didn't make me any profit. I decided to go back to where I started, using pop traffic, starting with straight chains, starting with T3 countries, starting with 1clickflow and focusing on a GEO. But I'm not sure to focus on a vertical. I'm not sure which GEO chooses, vertical or sweepstake, or another. I hope the teacher can give me some tips. I must see the light in a month or I will have to leave for a while. Even if I can't keep going, I'll remember how much you helped me in the meantime and thank you again. Graybeard!​

576 '(legit)clicks' to the 'money page', targeted landing page, <uniques> would cost
You got 8 for $1.4 --optimized might be 10? so maybe you would get 1.5 conversions for $1.50
that's a cost of
1.50/1.5 = $1.00 to get $0.40 back?

Bad traffic and/or bad offer.

What does NG mean Nigeria or No Good [ or both :D ]
You mean this?

total? are these pops?1.19M? where there is a view and no action?

I am using push
Now the clicks displayed on my propellerads: 204
maxconv clicks: 73
gg clicks:25 unique:16
The gg data is the offer page, so don’t have to think about it, but the pro data and tracking data are all pre-landing clicks, and there may be a 20% error, but the current gap is already more than 60%, and the data difference is too big , overwhelmed me
73/204 = 00.357

gg clicks:25 unique:16 >still just one sale?The AdScore looks right --but the redirection looks odd. 64% loss
adblockers maybe? i didn't see you used a track <-bad-keyword and a potential ad blocker trigger. That may be part of the issue. I would stop and set a new sub-domain for that URL (your tracker?). => something with no meaning (neutral).

same goes for the URL parameters

grep -ic "track" ultimate-ad-filter.txt
yep track is a poison word :rolleyes:

$ grep -ic "aff" ultimate-ad-filter.txt
$ grep -i "aff" ultimate-ad-filter.txt |grep -ic 'id'
those are triggers too

$ grep -ic "zone" ultimate-ad-filter.txt

change zoneid to
echo zoneid34r |rev
r43dienoz something weird; or like zi={zoneid}

change it all around and reconfigure and retest

sorry ,I didn't see that been a long few days on my end.
may make a difference or it may not. I have seen 10%-40% bad traffic with adscore but that was popunders and 2-3 years ago.

I sorted the bounce time on that NL traffic 82% bounce -- anything over 120 sec is probably loitering clicks
these NL were all popups before Abscore --correct?


that means 18% read it or loitered (put the window into the background (probably)).


  • ultimate-ad-filter.txt
    3.7 MB · Views: 20
a lot of NXDOMAIN, Amazon data center,
Duplicate IPs <-that could be a proxy server address for a mobile carrier
I looked this one up Welkom bij KPN: het beste netwerk van Nederland
could be that

$ wc -l NL-host-propeller-check.csv
231 NL-host-propeller-check.csv
$ grep -c 'NXDOMAIN' NL-host-propeller-check.csv
$ grep -c 'amazonaws' NL-host-propeller-check.csv

36% were bots or suspicious(only the obvious ones I see)


    293 bytes · Views: 17
    3 KB · Views: 15
It's so cool, although I don't understand a lot of it
An IP needs a hostname (Reverse DNS) in order to use any reasonably secure mail-server.; like gmail outlook --so if they are NXDOMAIN you can be pretty sure they are a bot or a proxy.