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Made no money can anyone help me?

he there Linda im very sorry, i know that im really getting on your nerves n i just want to say im deeply sorry and i hope you wont give up on me. so before i do anything else i want to ask you in every step that i make so that i won't be doing any mistake in the future:eek:

so what i did was to list down thing that i was interested and did some keyword research and here are my result of my possible niche

"make you computer faster/faster computer" google adword tool =27,100 word tracker= 58

"mma gears" google adword tools= 18,100 word tracker= 0 hits

"chlidren's educational software" google adword tools =9,900 wordtracker= 4

im new to this kind of research i would just like to ask you if these numbers are good enough to start my niche? thank you
hey it seems that everyone here doing great on affiliate marketing and earn lots of cash.. i'm new do this things so far i had no sales and still learning stuff to enhance my marketing skill can any one help me

I just made a post about this. Basically here's my advice:

I found out that the key to making money online is getting in on the ground floor of a new product/service or copycat service.

"AS LONG AS THE COPYCAT offers something EXTRA that the main provider (Youtube) left out and that copycat company has a strong marketing plan in place. So if you can find something that's new AND GROWING (it actually has to have some kind of fuel already added to it) then you just need to have faith and leap in."

Also don't be afraid to invest chump change into something you believe in AS LONG AS YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH! "