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Make 2k$ per month [social media method]!

Sign up for Shareasale - approval can take up to 24-72 hours.
Create a new twitter, facebook or google+
Choose a topic you`re passionate about: fishing, beauty, gaming, electronics and so on....
Come up with free give aways (vouchers, coupons, gift cards)
Download a minimum of 35 photos.
Now go and sign in to Hootsuite
click on the "Add Social Network" button and connect with your Twitter/fb/g+ account
8. Go to Settings in Hootsuite - set the Autoschedule to post 5 msgs per day between 5 am and 10 pm
9. Sign in to your Shareasale account - go to categories - Pick up a category and choose a coupon/voucher to promote - create and copy the affiliate link to your notepad
10. Use a url shortner to shorten and mask the url.
11.In your notepad: Write down 35 messages based on your offer - to be posted on Twitter/fb/g+ (5 msgs per day x 7 days a week = 35)
12. Go back to Hootsuite. Now copy one message and include your offer shortened affiliate link at the end of the message. Upload one of your 35 images that you downloaded in the beginning.
13. Once you have your message + affiliate link + image you should autoschedule it. Keep in mind you have to send out 5 msgs in a day between 5 am and 10 pm. If you autoschedule the first message for 5 am, spread out the rest of the 4 msgs throughout the day until 10 pm.
14. Do the autoscheduling for 7 days - all 35 msgs.
15 Sit back and enjoy!
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Nope, I ve made only 150$ during a week, friend of mine told me this method, he earned that kind of money. Also he is not active anymore. You are welcome!
Sign up for Shareasale - approval can take up to 24-72 hours.
Create a new twitter, facebook or google+
Choose a topic you`re passionate about: fishing, beauty, gaming, electronics and so on....
Come up with free give aways (vouchers, coupons, gift cards)
Download a minimum of 35 photos.
Now go and sign in to Hootsuite
click on the "Add Social Network" button and connect with your Twitter/fb/g+ account
8. Go to Settings in Hootsuite - set the Autoschedule to post 5 msgs per day between 5 am and 10 pm
9. Sign in to your Shareasale account - go to categories - Pick up a category and choose a coupon/voucher to promote - create and copy the affiliate link to your notepad
10. Use a url shortner to shorten and mask the url.
11.In your notepad: Write down 35 messages based on your offer - to be posted on Twitter/fb/g+ (5 msgs per day x 7 days a week = 35)
12. Go back to Hootsuite. Now copy one message and include your offer shortened affiliate link at the end of the message. Upload one of your 35 images that you downloaded in the beginning.
13. Once you have your message + affiliate link + image you should autoschedule it. Keep in mind you have to send out 5 msgs in a day between 5 am and 10 pm. If you autoschedule the first message for 5 am, spread out the rest of the 4 msgs throughout the day until 10 pm.
14. Do the autoscheduling for 7 days - all 35 msgs.
15 Sit back and enjoy!

Could you explain the number 10?
I mean the mask url.. do I have to buy a new domain to mask the affiliate url ?
I'm a bit confused..
Really is this so easy?
Who do you think will post his first msg on FB/TW/IG and his ads will be seen by 100+ targeted viewers and they will do signup for free leads?
After just creating your FB account you think you will get 5k frds in week which targeted and will take action on your posts?
it sounds awesome but actually not.
Really is this so easy?
Who do you think will post his first msg on FB/TW/IG and his ads will be seen by 100+ targeted viewers and they will do signup for free leads?
After just creating your FB account you think you will get 5k frds in week which targeted and will take action on your posts?
it sounds awesome but actually not.
It takes time, but it works if you put in effort.
Are they any problem if I tweet affiliate links ?
I'm thinking to use this method with one of my account .. dont want to have my account suspended or something like that
It's probably wise not to use your account. Maybe use a test account. Also, i would consider investing in a domain and redirecting to the offer instead of a shortener. It will appear to be more authoritative.