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malaysian taffic Pop or Push from Propellar Ads pricing


Active Member
I am looking at an offer in Malaysia. So I went to Propellar Ads and I think their traffic chart is saying Pop under traffic has a max rate of 2.971 and an optimal rate of 1.262.

So that means it will be between $2.98 and $1.27 per thousand views, correct?

The Push traffic has a max cpm rate of 0.596 and an optimal rate of 0.068,

I think that means that 1000 Push notifications would cost between $ 0.60 and $ 0.07 cents.

Isn't Push a better traffic source than Pop under?

I don't understand the rates?

Those are just the average rates. If you play around and go with Android only they change a little.

If I want to run a game offer in Malaysia. It is a Fortnite Tricks offer, Do I need a pre-lander? What sort of prepping would I be doing to the customer? Either they play Fortnite or they don't. Either they want to get better or they don't. Or is that wrong?

I am trying to figure out if my pre-lander would add any value or would it just be in the way.
Thanks for answering.
it can be very difficult to get answers, between the time zone differences and everything else, quick responses are hard to get
I will go to EZMob now and look at it. Also, I think I will go with Push. That way I can skip the Pre-lander.

This will be my first campaign. Getting the information to get started has been a real "bear". But I need to get started to learn anything. So I very much appreciate your response.

Does EZMob have some sort of fake/bot traffic system in place. I just had a horrible experience with another outfit.
Anyway, I guess with Push it does not matter (probably another good reason to start with Push)

I kinda get why people in this industry don't always respond to inquiries, there are a lot more "window shoppers" out there than real buyers. (even the Bible says not to cast your pearls before swine). So I get it. My guess is that more than half of the people who ask quesions in this industry don't ever do anything with the answer they get.

A good response takes thought and a little time.
Anyway, thank you. Because now I have a plan that is actionable.
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I am looking at an offer in Malaysia. So I went to Propellar Ads and I think their traffic chart is saying Pop under traffic has a max rate of 2.971 and an optimal rate of 1.262.

So that means it will be between $2.98 and $1.27 per thousand views, correct?
Hey, schleprock.
Where did you check these rates, seems to be overpriced a bit for malaysia;) I would say 0.6-1.2 max on your target. My pricing tool shows these numbers.
Traffic that costs $0.33/CPM and converts 1:100000 because it's 99.99999% crap costs: $33/per customer conversion or customer acquisition.

Cheap pop traffic is usually garbage traffic, mainly remnants brokers buy filled bots from ad networks that keep their prices low by not filtering out the crap.

Sword cuts both ways ;)
Somewhere, there is a happy medium (compromise) ...
Traffic that costs $0.33/CPM and converts 1:100000 because it's 99.99999% crap costs: $33/per customer conversion or customer acquisition.

Cheap pop traffic is usually garbage traffic, mainly remnants brokers buy filled bots from ad networks that keep their prices low by not filtering out the crap.

Sword cuts both ways ;)
Somewhere, there is a happy medium (compromise) ...
100% Agree, remnant is crap, there is no way to get a human by extremely low rates.
IMO skipping a pre-lander no matter which type of traffic you're buying is a bad idea. Most offer pages don't do a good job at pre-selling the visitor on what the offer actually is. Direct linking is the lazy affiliate's approach. If it was really as easy a popping a direct link into a traffic source and printing money everyone would be rich AF, but of course, that's not the case.
"Isn't Push a better traffic source than Pop under?" --> Very, very much depends. There is no formula no matter how many PDFs you get duped into buying or how many "premium" forums you join. Trust me when I say you can make $2k/week on propeller pops direct to offer.
  • [So] that means it will be between $2.98 and $1.27 per thousand views, correct?
  • The Push traffic has a max cpm rate of 0.596 and an optimal rate of 0.068,
  • I think that means that 1000 Push notifications would cost between $ 0.60 and $ 0.07 cents.
  • Isn't Push a better traffic source than Pop under?
I missed the gist of what he was saying :confused:
Or; "The Push traffic has a max cpm" was supposed to say CPC ?
1000 CPC (better said clicks) @ $0.08 = $80.00 per 1000 clicks [CPC]