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MaxBounty **** alert


A few days ago I logged in to my MaxBounty account and I found my acc manager Skype there, so i tried to contact him and ask for top offers.
After that he said my account got banned due to Vpn usage. I explained about my situation and he asked for my password and token sent to my phone. I trusted him since he was the acc manager, and gave him.
Then he said I need to send my ID/Selfie stuff to verify and i did so.
After a few days i tried to login and surprisingly my Google 2fac auth was enabled so I couldn't login. I tried contacting him and he said I'm banned permanently, i tried charging my password and few minutes later he messaged me that he needs my password!!!
Here I attached a screenshot.
He's still calling me on Skype.

That's a shame and the MaxBounty owner should be responsible.
Please spread my words to be heard.


  • Screenshot_20231125_145455_Skype.jpg
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What country are you from? Why the VPN. MaxBounty has policies regarding this ...
added* if you are legit and not in the wrong contact MaxBounty directly by email or by telephone.
don't use an IM --

also is is just wrong

if he is the manager why does need need your password?

this whole thing looks bad.
why are you giving password to a skype user that you are not knowing for many years anyway?
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VPN is a usual thing among users from all world, we need to use it because our government filter the internet.
I've found this skype acc on my dashboard page as my affiliate acc manager
Are you sure that was your manager? Usually they dont ask for that type of info, do you have any unpaid earnings with them? if not, just move on
yes, i guess he has two Skype accounts, and message me with one of them, and no I don't have unpaid earnings.
Correct me if I am wrong but I don't really think Max Bounty owner will really contact you and ask you for password. Anyone who asks you for a password that's already an outright indication of illegal.
Moved to the Disputes and Resolutions forum. Next time read the TOS OP!

Do not use the word scam on this site.

All disputes or claims of wrongdoing MUST be posted in the Disputes and Resolutions forum only, NO EXCEPTIONS!

Always MUST provide proof of your claim. Without proof, you're just making an unsubstantiated claim.
the MaxBounty owner should be responsible.

That is not being realistic. That is not how business works and you obviously don't realize the size of MaxBounty. They have a Chairman, a CEO, a COO, and a CFO along with the others on their BoD.

MaxBounty is not a crooked company and they do not employ crooked, dishonest, or deceiving practices. They are established as a A+ company. Established about 12 years ago in Canada.

MaxBounty has a reputation of honesty and integrity.

It is apparent to me, and most here, that you have been maybe taken advantage of by someone outside the MaxBounty company.
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my account got banned due to Vpn usage.

Nobody gets banned for using a VPN. Everyone these days uses a VPN. It is when a person uses a VPN with rotating or secondary and tertiary proxies to hide what they are actually doing that gets them in trouble.
I really understand you may not believe me, but it was a warning, Andrew from Maxbounty tried to me and it's obvious. Believe me or not.

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Are you sure that you're not talking to an imposter? Impersonating as Andrew from MaxBounty?
His English, in your screenshot, looks really bad.
I really understand you may not believe me, but it was a warning, Andrew from Maxbounty tried to me and it's obvious. Believe me or not.

***Edited by admin***

Please, as I have mentioned before, do not use the word "scam" in this community. It is not verifiable, it has not been proven, and you do not have proof. As stated before, and as others have stated, while you may have been taken advantage of, it was not by MaxBounty. They are a stand up, wealthy, easy to work with company.

You may have lost funds, been banned, etc., but it appears it is because you were compromised or you violated their terms of service. We have looked at many claims of fraud against networks over the last 20 years and everytime MaxBounty was accused, MaxBounty came forward with the proof that they were the victims of fraud and not the accuser.

Move on to another network, you will never win against them.
Hello Rezasys,

guessing from your name, you are from Iran, where it's really necessary to use a VPN to get access to the most basic services. I am sorry for that situation.

While I cannot verify who was right in your case, it does seem like the simplest path forward to move onto another network, as well as report the issue to MaxBounty, so that they can take action against the (possible) imposter. Employees will never ask for your credentials - we learned this lesson again today.

If your traffic is clean, and you are interested in the gaming vertical, we could be your new network. Hit me up in a message if you are interested.