Meet the new format — Interstitial
Having it brings one more opportunity for Galaksion partners to turn a profit!
Before proceeding to the tests, let's take a closer look at the format:
Interstitial is a notification that appears in the center of the screen, sometimes creating a shadow around. You go to the website, and after a few seconds, an advertising image pops up ahead of the main content. By clicking on the creative, a new tab with the offer opens in the browser.
The creative consists of an image, an icon (optional), text (header + description) and a cross button to close the notification. You can also add dynamic macros. In the mobile version, creatives are created for both vertical and horizontal screen orientations.
Which GEOs and verticals convert best combined with Interstitial?
- For mobile: IN, PH, US, ID, MX, SA, MY, ES, AE, EG. We recommend driving traffic to VPNs, PC cleaners, antiviruses and mobile applications.
- For desktop: ES, IN, ID, US, MY, MX, PH, GB, FR, VN. Extensions and games will work perfectly.
What else do you need to know about the new format?
- It is supported on mobile and desktop devices
- It works via CPC and CPM pricing models. CPA is coming soon!
- It needs to be tested as soon as possible before others try out a new source of profit
Check it in our Self-Service platform for advertisers.
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