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Daniella MGID

Active Member
MGID submitted a new resource:

MGID - Native Advertising Marketplace

MGID - the world's largest audience development network. Our mission is to deliver high value to consumers of digital content and all participants of native advertising ecosystem.

Briefly about us:




Every ad network thinks that they are unique and amazing, but this is not. First? Best? Amazing? That we are!)...

Read more about this resource...

I talk with your manager before one year and he told me that minimum budget is 500$. So, budget is $ 500 or $ 100?
mgid support is ver bad!!! ask a question one week. but no any response. I have sent four emails.
Dear Forum Community,

We are happy to inform you we renew our official thread on AffiliateFix. We will share our updates and insights, publish special deals, run giveaways, and answer your questions. As a global native advertising network, MGID has vast experience and valuable knowledge that we are willing to share with you.

Let’s celebrate together our coming back. We make a special offer for the community! Everyone who registers via this link will receive a 25% credit match for their first (at least) $ 500 deposit in MGID.

Why $500? This is the minimum required to get access to the full-serve platform, which provides you with a personal account manager. He is a kind of best friend, who knows the best MGID from the inside: average CPC, best-performing verticals and offers, low competitive GEO and how to perfectly optimize your campaign. Access to the full-serve platform also eases you from content creation struggles. Let our designers do the work for you :wink:

If you have any questions, leave your comments below!

We’ll make posts about the optimization tools, selective bidding, traffic insights, and price recommendation engine. Stay tuned!
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Hi, everyone!

Today we want to talk to you about the basics of native advertising.


What is native advertising?

Native advertising includes paid ads that matсh the look of the media format in which they appear and become part of the site's content. That is why it evokes more confidence among the users and does not disturb the user's experience like those annoying banners.

What does native advertising look like?

There are six types of ad units in native advertising: in-feed units on social media; paid search units on Google/Yahoo/Bing etc; recommendation widgets (MGID); promoted listings; and in-ad with native element units.

Why are people increasingly turning to Native Advertising?

According to Forbes ‚‘It’s estimated that native ads will be responsible for 74 percent of all ad revenue by 2021, and it’s already poised to reach $21 billion this year’’. That’s the deal-breaker, isn’t it?

When working with native advertising, you should ensure your ads match the overall page design and function and look like other elements on the page. In general, ad units should be compatible with the surrounding content. It’s also important to note that native ad networks recommend products/services relevant to the website’s content and the users’ browsing experience.

How to start making money with native advertising?

Step 1. Choose a reliable and efficient network.

In addition, the full-serve platform gives you access to MGID custom creatives service, allowing the team of qualified designers and content creators to help you create better ad units with higher CTR.

Step 2. Set up and launch a campaign. This process consists of the following actions: sign up and add funds on your account; after the approval by the system, set up your campaign (name it, choose campaign type, select campaign category, upload creatives, decide on the targeting, set the bid prices); once the moderation team approves it, you can launch the campaign!

TIP 1. We suggest setting up extensive targeting options. MGID allows you to target the audience by different variables: OS (Operating Systems), Browsers, Browser Versions, and Languages (Both Search & Browser Language).

TIP 2. Don’t start your campaign with low bids, as you will lose the opportunity to test quality placements. In addition, remnant traffic is another disadvantage of low bids.

TIP 3. Benefit from MGID's selective bidding. Using this option allows you to change bids on placements, not on the campaign level. Giving you an opportunity to be able to identify better performing advertisement and improve the quality of your traffic volume.

Check MGID and get your bonus!

P.S. Please, if you have any questions, leave them below in the comments.

Stay tuned!



Is Native Advertising Sustainable For The Long Haul?
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Hi, everyone :affiliatefix:

Today we want to talk to you about 5 native ad mistakes affiliates should avoid making.

Native advertising continues to grow worldwide and generate high incomes. According to Emarketer, it’s estimated to allocate $41.14 billion to native digital display ads in 2019. By 2021, digital ad spending is projected to reach $129.26 billion in the U.S. Looking at the broader regional trends, Asia Pacific and North America proved to be the most profitable sources of income for digital advertisers. Digital Ad Spend is expected to reach more than $120 billion and $110 billion, accordingly.

Sounds encouraging enough, right? In this post, we are going to tell you about 5 native ad mistakes affiliates should avoid making. So, let’s take a look at them!

1. Too high short-term expectations

You should understand that using a new traffic source may not immediately give you the expected results. Frustration will force you to make mistakes and wrong decisions, which you will regret in the end. Thus, we suggest being patient while testing and adjusting what you’re doing until you begin to see the results. It’s important to continuously check and optimize your campaigns.

2. Lack of effective creatives

Keep your consumer in mind while making creatives. Sometimes, it happens that your tastes may not match the tastes of your audience. Thus, split-test the different audiences with several creatives to identify the best-performing ones.

Don’t copy other people's images and translate texts through Google translate! We strongly suggest using spy tools as a source of inspiration, rather than a stock of ready-made solutions. Sources like Pikwizard, Pexels and Unsplash allow you to get high-quality great-looking pictures.

Use images with people, as they are more preferred. Saturated colors and light shades stand out on the page and catch consumer’s attention. It is also important to highlight that the images should be simple and not overloaded.

Think of creative captures and don’t forget to triple-check the copy. No matter how seductive and selling it is, no one will ever buy your “wait-loss produck”.

Localize your ads properly. You should take into account the cultural differences of countries, their mentalities, taboos, and language features. It would be rash to advertise beef products in India, where the cow is considered as a sacred animal.

3. Neglecting platform features

Native ad networks provide you with various useful tools that will teach you about every parameter of your campaign. By using them efficiently, you will get better performance. MGID uses traffic insights, selective bidding, and a price recommendation engine to provide you with more control. These dashboard features were developed as an answer to their clients’ feedback and now they help them maximize the ROI of their ads.

4. Neglecting your account manager

Our platform assigns an account manager to the users who deposited 500$ or more. They will teach you how to properly use the network's features and share a lot of valuable data with you. Putting this knowledge into practice will boost your campaign’s performance.

5. Neglecting your audience

As we've mentioned above - «keep your audience in mind». Your aim is to provide a value-added experience to the potential consumers and make them engage with your content. Use various approaches, that will help you to trigger a user’s emotions and persuade them enough to generate a conversion at the end of the sales path.

P.S. Story-telling works best with native.

Check MGID and get your bonus!

We hope you will find this information useful. Please, if you have any questions, leave them below in the comments.

Stay tuned!

MGID Team :cool:

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Hi, dear forum community :affiliatefix:

Today we are going to tell you about verticals in native advertising.

Vertical is a type of alike goods that specifies methods and approaches of arbitrage, traffic sources, creatives, and approaches you will use for the promotion of a certain offer.


These offers imply the subscriptions (CPA) or downloads (CPI).
- Games
- Software and services
- Utilities are apps oriented at the improvement of performance of mobile and desktop devices.
- Sweepstakes are prize draws where a random user becomes a winner. For instance: “Get 100 € for shopping in …”, “Get an iPhone X …”. In general, participants are asked to fill out a form (CPL).

GAMBLING. Bets on sports, poker, or casino are always in trend. Try to promote offers in Thailand and Malaysia. But, you should keep in mind that offers must have a license.

NUTRA consists of health products, dietary supplements, weight loss products, skin care, products that stimulate brain activity, adult products, such as enlargers for men. In the LATAM countries (Latin America) such as Brazil, as well as USA and Canada, this vertical has seen a great success! These offers imply a subscription (CPA) or CPS (direct sales or payment on delivery).

DATING is based on CPL (completing the form) or CPS (subscription with card details). While working with creatives, we advise you to focus mainly on menfolks, as they represent the majority of the audience. Dating is very lucrative in U.S., UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc.

TRAVEL is comprised of ticket purchase, hotel reservations, and travel planning. Here, you have a variety of options: CPI (travel app download), СPS (credit card billing for booking travel from the landing page) or CPS/CPL (call center in action).

ADULT CONTENT. The name speaks for itself. It includes dating offers, webcam and other 18+ products and services.

E-COMMERCE deals with promoting online stores and the products they sell.

FINANCES include insurance, credit, and binary options. In general, here you work with CPL. We suggest considering such GEOs as India, Chile, South-Africa, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Vietnam, Slovakia, Spain, France, Romania, and Russia.

This was an introductory post to the topic. Further, we will look at each vertical in more detail.

Check MGID and get your bonus!

Please, if you have any questions, leave them below in the comments.

Stay tuned!

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How to start making money with native advertising?

Step 1. Choose a reliable and efficient network.

In addition, the full-serve platform gives you access to MGID custom creatives service, allowing the team of qualified designers and content creators to help you create better ad units with higher CTR.
@Daniella MGID
Hi there!
I've deposited $600 today to my MGID account and told my MGID manager about, the reply was "We provide with campaign manager only from 1500$ deposited money on balance or expenditures"
Could you please explain where i got it wrong?
And what is the difference between 500 and 1500 plans since you didn't mention the latter in your post?
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@Daniella MGID
Hi there!
I've deposited $600 today to my MGID account and told my MGID manager about, the reply was "We provide with campaign manager only from 1500$ deposited money on balance or expenditures"
Could you please explain where i got it wrong?
And what is the difference between 500 and 1500 plans since you didn't mention the latter in your post?
Hi, that doesn't sound right. Would you mind to tell me your email in pm?
@Daniella MGID
Hi there!
I've deposited $600 today to my MGID account and told my MGID manager about, the reply was "We provide with campaign manager only from 1500$ deposited money on balance or expenditures"
Could you please explain where i got it wrong?
And what is the difference between 500 and 1500 plans since you didn't mention the latter in your post?

Solved - thank you very much for the fast and effective responce!
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