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Affiliates Wanted Mineralt – the most effective and safety javascript browser miner on the market

What your pluses if to compare to coinhive?


We will describe you our main features and then you can test and decide for yourself who is better:)

1. We have very stable CPU load, there are not any jumping and so there are not any complaints from your users.
2. We offer parking of your domains to bypass Adbloks detections.
3. Regular automated re-obfuscation of the script to avoid antiviruses' detections.
4. User & JS API which gives full control over the miner.
5. Payments every working day.
Monero's October Network Update: stronger privacy and cheaper faster transactions

On October 18th, 2018, there was the Monero network updated at the block height 1685555. The Mineralt team has updated mining script codes to be ready for this update.

The update contains 3 important software changes:

1.Bulletproofs reduces transaction sizes
The new update introduces the Monero network to a new form of range proofs called Bulletproofs . Bulletproofs allow to reduce the size of transactions by approximately 80% and the transaction fees.

2. Proof-of-Work is updated to CryptoNight v8 to resist ASIC mining
The Monero team improved the proof - of - work algorithm. This change would reduce the amount of mining pool, boosting Monero decentralization. Now Monero network difficulty has dropped significantly.

3. Ring size was changed to 11
The minimum ring size was increased to 11 instead of 10. It enhances the network’s privacy. The Monero network will reject pool operators with non-default ring-sizes. It makes Monero more private, more secure and therefore more efficient.

With these new updates, Monero is taking a position as the most reliable privacy coin in the market.

Read all details in our blog
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We offer parking of domains which allow to prevent adblock detections, regular reobfuscation of the script, increased earning for partners with high traffic, payments every working day.